Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

Find Me Now Love - What Not To Do While Making Love

Find Me Now Love

What Not To Do While Making Love

Lovemaking should be the ultimate feeling for both of you, but sometimes it can feel less than special. To help you get the most from the moment here are six things which you should avoid doing wile making the beast with two backs.
1) Continuing watching TV / Reading a book Come on, your lover wants to feel you are shaking their world , not that you would rather be looking your favourite soap opera.
2) Excessive groaning There can be many things that bring greater pleasure than hearing your lover groaning with pleasure, but if you make too much extra noise to attempt to make your partner feel good you risk the opposite - giving the impression that you are purely putting on a show and possibly removed from the act.
3) Calling out another person's title . Unless you have both agreed to role-play beforehand this is a definite no-no and it's very likely to get you into trouble with your partner. If you are extremely comfortable together then dropping it in could bring some extra kink into lovemaking as part of a spontaneous role-play, but no matter how close you are, if it comes out too naturally it will always hurt your partner emotionally.
4) Ask if he's cum yet. This can upset men for two main reasons; firstly that it immediately gives the impression that you're just waiting for the experience to be over (If you're he's not going to finish any faster if she knows that, it'll deflate hers ego), and secondly because for a man much of the sexual act is based around orgasm, and the idea that you don't even know his intense moment of pleasure can take from the moment.
5) Pretending they are a specific character. Role-play can be fun for both partners, and many couples enjoy enacting their policeman/woman, nurse or other fantasies with their partner. You may discover your partner isn't quite so comfortable if they think you're imagining them as your childhood pinup or ex-partner, though.
6) Taking it too seriously If you accidentally do any of the over then make sure you don't do this! Nearly each situation in bed can be laughed off. Which of us has never tripped or fallen over during lovemaking, if you take it too seriously it'll spoil the mood, laugh together and sharing the laughter will make you feel closer.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Male Sex Desire

Find Me Now Love

Male Sex Desire

What is it that single most powerful compel that drives men to forego everything for the sake of sex with a woman ? If you can study the problem with all the possible perspectives, maybe it will become clear to you how the debilitating cycle sets in, in the first place and how to bypass it. Try to recap a typical scenario of an average man’s situation. Man dates but unfortunately is faced with more disillusionment than fun and pleasure and this happens repeatedly. Have you ever wondered why? Well, the answer to this is very easy actually . The more he runs after sex, and meets women only with this single point agenda, the more it eludes him , and the less he gets of what she wants.
All along however, it is your dream to be on the other side of things – where you never think of a man abandon alone having sex with her . And that’s the precise time when things start to happen and you get what you desire for. Actually, the more you chase women and the concept of sex, the higher chances are there for them to desert you. There starts a merry-go-round, a cyclical pattern emerges, you need sex because you don’t have it, and then barbaric sex drive impels you to move at a break-neck speed, resulting in frustration, which again pumps up the speed further and so on. Let us reverse the situation. A man who's dating many women, having relaxed sex without any hyped-up expectations and thoroughly enjoying it, is obviously more attractive to more numeral of women. Every second woman wants to donate him a break and loves to date him . His need for sex is thereby not so frantic, nor is his craving for a woman . Women and sex run after him , and not the other way round . So what is the secret behind this man’s success? How does she swim from one side of the stream (desire-frustration-more desire) to the other side? You actually have to take a quantum leap to go to the other side. The process is called “Delay in Gratification”. Here you don’t deny or forget about your sexual needs, but just delay it. Some men accomplish this by taking up a serious hobby, which don't implicate women even remotely, like writing, playing music, even working on cars and permit their need for women to completely vanish . Once they reach this state of mental equilibrium, they choose to meet and go out with women. Women on the other hand discover such guys extremely relaxing and comfortable to be with, as there is not an iota of “desperation” written across their faces as they are in complete control of their libido. Much of this Delay In Gratification is possible once you fully understand the rules of the game of dating. You might say that in the dating recreation , means to reach the end is distant more necessary , than the end itself. If you've ever gone fishing, you will understand this better. You don’t capture a fish, each time you cast the line. You repeat your effort several times, re-doing, refining your bait. Gradually you develop a natural instinct, when you know exactly how, when and where to cast the line, to get the catch of the day! And subsequently, what you do with your catch .

Friday, November 2, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Renew Your Sex Life

Find MeNow Love
Renew Your Sex Life
Has your sex existence been a bit neglected lately? Its not like you don't care but well, it's just finding the time and energy. It seems impossible some days because there's work and cleaning and working out and grocery shopping and cooking dinner, laundry, kids, family commitments, friends, ironing! When you do get horizontal you pass out within minutes. Or you're not in the mood. Or you just can't be bothered. Soon enough a month has passed and you can't remember the last time you had sex. And when was the final time you kissed your partner and I mean really kissed them, not just a polite peck? Or maybe you've just fallen into a rut. You have sex in the same place at roughly the same time each week and do the same things. Routine is good for things like brushing your teeth but it shouldn't come into your sex existence when variety and excitement are crucial elements in making it fulfilling. If this sounds like you and you need to kickstart your sex life back into well, life , then peruse on.
1. Be spontaneous. The element of surprise can be very seductive. Take a shower together, surprise your partner with a long passionate kiss when they are expecting to just graze lips, buy some new lingerie and wear it.
2. Get healthy. Eating well and regular exercise put you in better touch with your body and that inner healthy glow not only makes you see more attractive but gives you heaps of energy and makes you feel more vibrant and alive .
3. Be affectionate. If you haven't had sex for awhile then it might be better to build up slowly to get back into the groove. Instead of trying to go from a standing start to racing speed, ease your way back into the physical by touching when you can and by being considerate with each other. Touch when you talk . Stop to kiss when you walk past each other in the hallway. Trail your finger along their shoulder as they sit reading a magazine. Snuggle on the couch in front of your favorite movie.
4. Be sensual. Give your partner a peppermint foot bath when they get home from a busy day. Massage their hands, scalp, back - wherever takes your fancy (if you don't know how to massage, don't think about it, just do what feels good). Or attempt a lighter touch by using a feather or silk scarve to path along the length of your partner.
5. Be encouraging when your partner does one thing you like. Even if you've been together a long time your partner doesn't always know what you like and even if they do it doesn't hurt to tell them once in awhile. Say what you like and why you like it, if they've more information you never know what they might come up with to please you.
6. Read your partner an erotic bedtime story. The mind is crucial in any attempt to resuscitate your sex existence . It needs to be turned on initial and the body will follow. There is some great erotic fiction around or you might try Nancy Friday for stories about other people's sexual fantasies.
7. Have fun When was the last time you laughed together? Put on your favourite track and dance. Or buy the music that was popular when you first got together and play that for a trip down memory lane over dinner. Take a midnight dip.
8. Write a sexy letter If you can't tell your partner what you actually want them to do to you, then writing it down is a great alternative. It lets you be as specific as you like lacking feeling like your front is going to turn tomato red and gives your partner time to process what you've said and get into the mood.
9. Experiment Learn a unused technique together. Try a romantic weekend elsewhere . Or you might try a sex toy from one of the many on offer. If you always have sex lying down then try standing or sitting. If you're always on top then attempt switching things around.
10. Focus on the now.  When you do get down to it, it is crucial that you focus on exactly what it is you are doing. To do this you must halt the chatter within your own head. Don't worry that you forgot to pick up the drycleaning, or how you need to call your mother about him birthday, or the fact that you're out of cereal. Leave all that stuff to later . Much later . Chances are it won't seem nearly so necessary once you're done.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Reignite Sex Life

Find Me Now Love
Reignite Sex Life
The tempo of modern living can seem to play havoc with our sexual relationships. There are always reasons to put everything else before our sexual gratification. However, the choice is yours. Do you remember the passion and sexual excitement that got you into the relationship in the first place?
That is what existence and living is actually all about. Temporary diminishment of sexual desire can happen in any relationship. Illness, relocation, job loss or financial setbacks, can adversely affect our desire from time to time. External circumstances can and do affect the fire. Now a temporary break may actually be a good thing, as this can lead to renewed discovery of one another. The problem arises when the situation is prolonged. Now the lack of sexual desire or activity can actually cause distress in the relationship and lead to unhappiness in both partners and breakdowns. This needs to be addressed to avoid causing irreparable damage destroying the relationship. Here are some simple ways to get your mojo working again.
Stop fighting! Resolve any issues that may be stopping you from actually communicating and being a fond couple. Clear out the trash so to speak. Are there unresolved issues that you and your partner are avoiding? Confront these and clear them out. Lingering thoughts will lead to unhappiness and avoidance of intimacy on all levels. How do you think you will connect at a physical level, if you aren't even communicating? Clear the slate so to speak. Make intimate contact a necessity. You need to prioritize being near , just as an item on your to do note . choose up the laundry, be intimate, etc. We tend too put mundane activities ahead of our needs all too frequently . You need to live, not just exist. To live, you need to do certain enjoyable things. Sex is amongst thaoose, so prioritise it together with other fulfilling activities. Don't just assume it will happen, make it happen. This need not be inflexible, but let it happen more often than not. When you thrust sex aside your relationship will become like any other ordinary existence. Watch out for this, don't let it happen. The more you have sex, the more you will need it. Let the snowball effect carry you in the right direction.
Are you OK? Make sure that there aren't any physical reasons not to have sex. Male impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is very prevalent amongst highly stressed breadwinners. Attack the cause, reduce the stress, and if need be, use some of the available medication and seek medical assistance. This aspect of your health is as necessary as any other for the quality of your life . Women might have discomfort during intercourse for a variety of reasons. Again, seek assistance, resolve the physical issues. Make sure that there are no physical problems. Sometimes hormonal imbalances occurr, resulting in reduced drive, identify and remedy these. Modern medicine is very aware and capable of helping in these situations, there is no need for embarrassment, the issues are to widespread, for you too think that you are the only one with this type of problem. Sort it out.
Are you fulfilled? A common situation causing disinterest, or even anger or resentment, is an unfulfilling sexual relationship. If both partners needs are not being met, one will always feel like a victim. This cannot enable a mutually satisfying sexual relationship. If our needs are not being met, talk to your partner. Work on the situation together. An understanding of the situation is the first step to resolving the issue. In many cases, just letting your partner know what you like is sufficient to make all the difference. In very few situations is it imposible to find a mutually acceptable compromise to satisfy both partners
And the romance? Romance is what led to sex in the first place. Setting the right mood, creating romantic surroundings, can make all the difference. Create a little love nest. This can be a very intimate place, or an intimate time. Run a bath for your partner, put up some candles, add some scented bathoil, and voila you don't know what'll happen. On a more practical note, pack the kids off to grandma for the night , order in some exotic take-away, put a candle on the table, and refuse to let him do any housework. Watch the sparks fly. There are a myriad of ways to alter the mundane , and create situations tha timmediatrely up the chances of a romantic enjoyable encounter. You just need to do it. Up for a dirty weekend? A alter is as good as a holiday they say. In the romance stakes, a alter of scenery can work wonders. It doesn't have to be an exotic island location (although that would be nice). Get out of the rut. Get out and see something different, and it will bring about different thoughts and attitudes to your sexual perception as well. Get wild. Sex in an elevator, with the risk of being caught at any time, might turn on some partners to the extentt.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Sex, Women and Men

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Sex, Women and Men
During my many years of counseling couples, I have frequently worked with the sexual problems that frequently occur in committed relationships. The most common complaint from men regarding sex is frequency, and the most common complaint from woman is lack of emotional intimacy.
There is a very good reason why these are the most common complaints – men and women are very different when it comes to sex!
The biological sexual drive, or lack of it, relates to how much testosterone is present. Men biologically have much more testosterone than women. Men’s biology equips them to be alert for sex most of the time, which is nature’s way of ensuring the survival of the species. Women, on the other hand, often do not experience a biological sexual drive unless they are in the center of their menstrual cycle. This fact can create a large problem in relationships.
I’ve often heard men complain that:
“I think if my wife really cared about me and my needs, she would have sex with me even when she wasn’t turned on.”
“I don’t reach out for sex much anymore because I’m tired of being rejected, but my wife says she wants to be pursued in a romantic way. This feels like a no-win to me.”
“My wife is in control of our sex life . If she wants it, then we have it. If she doesn’t, then I have no say about it.”
I’ve often heard women complain that:
“My husband often comes to me like a needy small teenager , needing me to appease him or validate him with sex. There is nothing erotic about an insecure, needy little teenager !”
“I often feel pulled on for sex, as if having sex is more necessary than caring about me. When I do what he wants, I feel used, and when I don’t, I run into hers anger, resentment, blame or withdrawal. It feels like a no-win.”
“He always seems to be alert for sex, but I don’t feel turned on unless we're feeling close . I can’t just watch TV all evening and then feel like making love.”
The very real issue here, at minimum for most men beneath 40, is that they're biologically motivated and women are mostly emotionally motivated. Heterosexual women get turned on when their man is warm, open, caring, and personally powerful. Most women are not turned on by a man who is closed, distant, angry, blaming, or needy.
The problems of frequency can get resolved as men and women learn to understand and accept each other’s differences. Men need to understand and accept that women are not as biologically motivated as men are. Many women rarely even think about sex, while most men will tell you that they think about sex frequently throughout the day. When men understand that women are turned on by love, romance, emotional intimacy, warmth, caring, and personal power, then men may be motivated to learn to be the fond , powerful and romantic partners that women want and need.
When women can accept that men’s biology is very present for them, they can stop putting men down for it and start supporting their men in creating more emotional intimacy, romance, and personal power. When women criticize men instead of understanding and accepting them, they help to create some of the insecurity that is such a turn off to many women. When a man can appreciate rather than demean him woman for hers sexuality, she can discover ways of meeting his needs lacking feeling used.
Understanding and accepting each other’s differences and needs can lead both men and women toward more satisfying sex lives.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Drinking and Sex

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Drinking and Sex
Drinking is known as the numeral one 'panties/boxers remover' in the entire universe . We all know that we ought to not drink and drive, but what about drinking and running to bed? We are not so sure about that, and those who've experienced having sex after drinking will probably agree and recollect how big the mistake is. Here are 7 reasons why not to drink and run to bed:
*The mature lover
The mature ladies love to have sex and like all of us they have that need. If we are talking about the ladies that are quite old , they have defiantly that need and probably have not done it for a long time. She will wait for you while you get drunk in the bar, and when you are done with you 5 th drink he will get you. Some of you will say: 'great'. Ok, we all have are style .
* Unknown sexual background
She is blonde, he has a great figure and he is willing to get to bed with you after the second drink...but she will wait until you are done with the bottle, so it will be more difficult for you the notice the 'extra' body portion he has.
* Your best friend
You always knew that she is a bit different, and each time you have looked at a great looking girl's breasts, she was looking at him boyfriend's ass. Even though he does not fancy you, he will after the 3 rd drink, and you begin to have the ';I need some sex' feelings. After your 3 rd drink you start compromising...and then you wake up in the morning! Now you need to front it.
* The Weight issue
She is sexy, she is pretty , she doesn't say no and she is about 15 sizes more then you when it is coming to fashion. The sex might be great, but you back aches will be there for years to remind you that moment when you said YES to her ...when she asked you if it is ok if he will sits on you.
* From the outside and underneath
Yea, she looks amazing with that mini skirt and when you drink, you don't really get down to the bottom of the details, but the next day, just thinking about what you've been licking could make you ill .
* Act of compel .
She looks great and he wants sex...but he is also very 'active' person. If you are into it - great, otherwise, you might discover out that the woman of your dreams is a sado empress that wants you here and presently as here little wick salve. You might discover out that her meaning of sex includes cleaning the house and some other things that you do not really feel like when you are drunk.
*The sticky punch line
All went extremely well. You guys had an amazing evening, and you might even love her for that...but presently you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life you were so drunk that you married her .

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Sexually Addicted?

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Sexually Addicted? Important Questions to Ask
There are many things in our culture that grab us and won't let go. Sometimes sex is one of them. Perhaps that's the case for you or your spouse/partner. Sexual addiction plays a prominent role in the "I Can't Say No" kind of extramarital affair . These questions are intended to assist you be more aware of some behaviors that maybe indicate that sex has a hold on you. If you answer yes to three or more questions it probably is wise to take a closer look at the place of sex in your life .
1) Do I have sex at inappropriate times, inappropriate places and/or with the wrong people ?
2) Do I make promises to myself or rules for myself concerning my sexual behavior that I find I cannot follow?
3) Have I misplaced count of the numeral of sexual partners I've had in the past 3 years?
4) Do I have sex regardless of the consequences (e.g. the threat of being caught, the risk of contracting herpes, gonorrhea, AIDS, etc.)?
5) Do I feel uncomfortable about my masturbation, the fantasies I engage in, the props I use, and/or the places in which I do it?
6) Do I feel jaded, exhausted, cynical? Am I on the path to that?
7) Do I feel that my existence is unmanageable because of my sexual behavior?
8) Do I've sex as a way to deal with or escape from life's problems? DoI feel entitled to sex? Do I feel as though I've earned sex?
9) Do I have a serious relationship threatened or destroyed because of outside sexual activity on my own part ?
10) Do I feel that my own sexual existence affects my own spiritual existence in a negative way?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Use Hypnotherapy for Sexual Issues

Find Me Now Love Blog
Sex is an issue which is one of the most private and intimate things that a person could be concerned with. Most of us are hesitant and shy about talking to people about issues related to sex; and yet when directly faced with an issue related to sex, the reactions can be attractive baffling.
From declining self esteem to absolute disbelief, a person suffering from sexual issues can go through a gamut of emotions. However, to comprehend the condition properly it is advisable to seek help; there are a number of counselors and therapists like me who'd like to work with you to do away with your problems.
However, I am a hypnotherapist and I use hypnotherapy for sexual issues to combat the problems which my personal clients face . Seems unbelievable to you doesn?t it, that a therapist can use hypnotherapy for sexual issues? You wonder how it would work; there are a million doubts in your head while you consider the proposition of approaching a hypnotherapist for solutions to your sexual problems.
Actually hypnotherapy for sexual issues is not all that bizarre; it is one of the safest methods you could adopt to address your problem. Hypnotherapy has been successfully implemented in cases related to a wide variety of sexual issues, including performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity amongst other problems. What a hypnotherapist does, when you go to her to treat the sexual issues is, that she uncovers the hidden meaning behind your sexual problem.
You need to first establish whether the problem you've is a physical one or a psychological one. Yes, you heard me right. sexual issues more often than not are all related to the subconscious and are psychological in nature; triggered by some stray incident or happening.
While undergoing hypnotherapy for sexual issues, you are made to introspect; you have to inquire questions related to when, how and why the problems started; how did you feel when it happened and what steps you are willing to take. Sometimes sexual issues are related to anxiety and commitment phobia, apart from low confidence and self image.hypnotherapy can assist you overcome these problems.
If your problems are related to long harbored beliefs, low self image, anxiety, low confidence hypnotherapy for sexual issues can help you a great deal; it will make you identify the root cause and work towards removing it. Through hypnotherapy you can train your subconscious to let go of the negative emotions, it will also teach you to make peace with the unpleasant event in your existence and see it as a catalyst for wizening up.
Through auto suggestions and positive reinforcements, you work upon improving your self image and self worth; this in turn will help you realize what you truly deserve. hypnotherapy is all about relaxation and gaining confidence, and a bit of both in the bedroom, might be just the shot in the arm that you require to spice your life up!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Use Foreplay To Enhance Your Sexual Relationship

Find Me Now Love Blog

Use Foreplay To Enhance Your Sexual Relationship

The point of foreplay is exactly what it means, the play before sex. Foreplay is meant to entice and tease; stimulating your partner until they are begging for more. As with many aspects of the sexual experience, there are physical and mental facets. Many couples intellectually "click" immediately and are ready to explore sexual experience together. It is important to engage the physical senses during foreplay.
Here are some examples of how you can explore and expand your foreplay, and enhance the sexual experience. There are many ways that a man can give and profit pleasure by learning how to touch a woman the way she wants to be touched. Talk to her , request him what she likes and he will tell you! He has smooth curves and soft skin. When you touch her in the right way, you will see her body react to the pleasure you are giving him . Watch closely and soon you will discover how to please and excite her .
Her lips: Kissing is an often over looked piece of foreplay. When you kiss a woman's lips, it gives her an electric rush that can make him more passionate and physical. Move away from the lips and kiss the eyelids, cheeks, earlobes, neck, and then move back to the lips. She will let you know when to kiss the other parts!
Her hair: Most women love to have their hair stroked and played with. Run your fingers through it. If she is playing with it, that's your cue to do the same.
Her fingers and toes: These are finally getting some of the attention they deserve. They are sensitive, and sensual, as are the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Her lower back: The tiny of a woman's back is often an area that is in dire need of massage. Rubbing this area gently will release stress, and adding a many kisses will entice him even more.
Her other soft places: Behind him knees, beneath her arms, inner thigh, and the hollows of him neck and shoulders. Gentle stroking and kissing of these areas can be extremely pleasurable.
Her breasts: This would seem an obvious choice to explore during foreplay, as they're visually stimulating to men. However, men can spend too much time in this area. Over stimulation can make the breasts numb, or irritated. Play with the breasts and nipples, but then move on, with the hint that you'll return. She will be waiting.
Her buttocks: Many men think of a back massage, but he will also enjoy him buttocks being rubbed, squeezed and played with. It relieves stress and he will anticipate your next move even more.
Her G spot: Known for its intense pleasure, the G spot provides one of the varieties of orgasms that women are able to achieve. Located in-between the cervix and pubic bone, manually whet this area by inserting a finger (or two) palm up, using a "come hither" motion with the index finger. Some women enjoy a "blended orgasm" which can be reached by whetting the clitoris (with the thumb) and G spot simultaneously.