Showing posts with label sex existence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex existence. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is your Sex Life Boring Or Not?

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Is your Sex Life Boring Or Not?
I get to talk to many men and women about sex. The funny thing is that most people think others are having a much greater sex existence than they are. Generally they say that their own sex is attractive boring and non exciting. The longer the couple has been together the more boring sex seems to have become. Of course there are couples that have great sex and have been together for ages. These couples are scarce in my personal experience. A recent study discovered that in 2 years of marriage, the women's interest in sex had dropped off about 50%.
There was also a lot less intercourse per week. So what can one do to spice up ones sex existence ? I like to think of sex in 3 flavours. The initial one is partner connection. Women generally love this style of lovemaking. In this flavour the emotional connection with your lover is most important . Generally, couples when they first fall in love have a lot of partner connection in sex. There is a lot of eye gazing, touch and emotions flowing and sex is actually just great. It seems to flow and there is much hugging, touch and foreplay. So how does one get more of this connections with your partner.
One tip in sex to get more of this flavour is to open your eyes during sex. I discover most couple don't even take a look at their lover. The eyes connect and the emotions can flow thought he eyes. for the more advanced, I suggest to open your eyes during orgasm. Most men discover this a challenge but it can be done! The second flavour of lovemaking is what I like to call trance. In this style one goes into oneself and is totally in ones own fantasy , sensations or a trance like state. Eyes are closed as the connection with your partner is not necessary . Most men seem to like trance.
I did have a lover that loved going into trance. However, I just felt I was a travel agent taking him to amazing places. Since I could not come along I felt unsatisfied. The touch was one way and I found this frustrating. I did communicate this and she did start to touch me more. The third flavour is role playing. This can be a great deal of fun. One can act out ones fantasies or take on roles of the sexual healer or priest. How about becoming animals?.
Bondage games drop into this type of play. Generally this is more challenging for most folks . However playing roles really can spice up your sex existence . With my own clients I suggest they begin to explore the flavours that they're weak on. Most couples don't play roles as it is a bit scary. I suggest to pass through is fear and really start to explore. If you have boring sex, you're actually committed to this on some level. Challenge your lover to do one thing different and you might have to compromise too. Suggest your lover takes the lead in trying something new too. Above all, have fun.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Marriage & Swinging

Find Me Now Love Blog
Marriage & Swinging
While some find the swinging lifestyle very attractive, others believe that it is disgusting and not one thing that should be done within a marriage. Everyone has his or him own beliefs about this, and generally speaking there isn't all that much middle ground. Is swinging right for your marriage?
What are the reasons that you think it might be right? There are many questions one must ask ones self before jumping head initial into the swinging lifestyle, even once , if they need their marriage to survive. Many couples consider implicating others in their sex existence because they're bored with one another in the bedroom. This is usually an idea that is toyed with over time, until the couple realizes the fantasy .
The problem is, any married couple needs to discuss what they hope the outcome of the swinging experience will do for their sexual relationship. If they believe that one time with another person or other people will be the end of the need for swinging they might need to reexamine their agenda to be sure. Simply put, a couple needs to discuss how often they'll engage in this type of behavior and how they'll communicate about what it is or is not doing for their sexual relationship.
Other couples involve others in their sexual lives because they're both open sexually and would like to experience unused things, with unused people together. This is the type of married couple that generally does the best with the swinging lifestyle. They aren't (at least knowingly) looking to fix something between them, they're just curious, and eager to try new things together.
Because this couple isn't seeking anything outside of the relationship that they couldn't already create on their own this couple usually can communicate quite freely about how frequently they'd like to implicate others in their sexual existence and to what extent. Because the swinging partners aren't fulfilling a need that the partner cannot, the sexual relations with others are usually mutually gratifying. For others, one spouse might pressure the other into trying out the swinging lifestyle.
This almost always leads to regrets, because even if both of the married couple enjoy the encounters in the moment, it invariably leads to resentment. The problem is that both people need to consent that they need to bring other folks into their sex lives, because once it is done it can't be undone. Swinging isn't one thing that ought to be attempted unless both spouses are sure that they're comfortable going forward.
Pressuring of ones spouse to interact in this manner can lead to tension, hostility, and even emotional distance resulting in divorce. This is not to say that many married couples don't engage in swinging and enjoy the experience very much. Many couples make their swinging lifestyle work for them quite well, usually because they have been open about their expectations and their fulfillment both physically and emotionally by such a lifestyle.
Other couples engage in swinging for a time and agree together that it isn't for them, and they go on to have a very happy, very monogamous relationship. Swinging is something that can be enjoyed or not, but if married couples communicate and make these decisions together all will usually be well.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Can't Get Laid? It's Not You, It's The Pheromones!

Find Me Now Love

A wife lies in bed longing for some action, but her spouse has fallen asleep many hours earlier, a common occurrence for the past many months. A 20 something lad taking his lunch break early just to catch the lovely female from the office next to his.

Only, he never even noticed she existed. A youthful man at the twilight of him teenaged years, finally admitting to her best friend that she's in love with him , only to be met with a sisterly kiss and the consolation of friendship. How many times have these situations happened before? How frequently are they happening presently ? Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is a fact of existence .

Some of us have attributed it our lack of "aesthetic" gifts, that we don't have the movie star looks nor the washboard abs or the perky breasts that frequently compensate for lacking a charming face .

Many people find comfort in the words that beauty lies in the beholder. It does not!

Those words are for losers who need to feel happy for the way things are.

But here's a scientifically proven fact.

Beauty doesn't lie in the eyes of the beholder.

It lies in his or him nose.

I'm talking about pheromones, and how medical professionals have concluded that it holds the genetic key to sexual attraction. pheromones are said to be chemical substances that are excreted by the body to excite responses from the members of the opposite sex. Now here's the twist. Different people excrete different levels of pheromones.

Some excrete big amounts of this substance. Others excrete pitiful amounts of the same. Those who're blessed with a lot of pheromones to spare, of course, are the people who easily win the attention, and the hearts, of those whom they fancy. Have you ever seen a beautiful girl who is heads over heels in love with a geeky looking punk? That, my personal ally , is the result of pheromones at work!

In a study we conducted at the author's website , we surveyed exactly 100 guys, each of whom we gave some complementary bottles of pheromone cologne. In return, they only had to answer some questions we've prepared. The collated replies shocked us. Of these 100 guys, 92 observed an increase in the numeral of women who tried to establish eye contact with them.

89 of these males noticed an increase in the numeral of women who gave them a smile. 81 of them reported that they were actually approached by women. 76 of them were approached by women they previously didn't know. And 68 of them professed to having experienced a dramatic improvement of their sex existence . And all of these changes were observed while they were wearing the pheromone colognes we handed over!

The potency of pheromones is well documented. Various media outlets of credible reputation have reported pheromones under the most positive light possible. CNN, Times Magazine, The New York Times, WebMD... all these institutions consent that pheromones are greatly responsible for many of the essential processes that occur during the mating recreation ... processes which are invisible to the human eye, but aren't undetected by the human nose.

If you can't get laid no matter how difficult you attempt , or if you've known nothing but rejection all your life , don't blame yourself. Just remember , it's not you. It's the pheromones.

The question is... what're you going to do about it?


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Find Me Now Love - The Problem Might Be Inside Your Head If You Are Bad In Bed!

Find Me Now Love

The over statement isn't merely an amateur poet's attempt at rhyming; it is a fact. More often than not, our sexual problems (and there are so many of them), are all related to what's going on inside our head. Problems in our sex existence might seem just physical, but there's a entire lot of psychology behind things going wrong in the bedroom.

Most of us are shy to discuss these problems with others, and we discover it extremely difficult to own up to the fact that we aren't good in bed. As a result we conclusion up confounding our minds with questions like 'What's wrong with me?', and 'Is this normal?' However, these are the wrong questions to inquire .

What you ought to be asking instead is "When did this problem start", "How is this making me feel", "What's the remedy" and definitely the most important one "What I am going to do about it". One of the best things that you can do at such a time is to consult a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy makes you uncover the genuine problem behind your bedroom blues.

A hypnotherapist will take you through your past experience, and make you walk down memory lane to figure out what went wrong and where. Once this knowledge is at hand, the remedy for your sexual problem is just a matter of time. In his experience of a decade, Hypnotherapists help clients overcome problems like performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity.

Hundreds of folks have benefited from his sessions, and you can do the same as well. A Hypnotherapist in his consultations for sexual problems also works on your self image, and takes care of any negative notions that you might have about yourself. The results will be extraordinary, to say the least . Moreover, with the relaxing techniques used in hypnotherapy, you will find yourself renewed with a new vigor.

Imagine what this unused sense of positivity and energy can do to your love life ? Wouldn't it be great to spend a indolent Sunday afternoon, showing your lover, how much you really enjoy being with them? Perfect relationships are created of companionship, understanding and compatibility.

If these factors reflect in your sex existence as well, it could do wonders for the chemistry in your relationship. So if you could change your sex existence presently for the better, wouldn't you just jump at the chance? Use hypnosis today to get the results that you need !
