Showing posts with label pheromones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pheromones. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Can't Get Laid? It's Not You, It's The Pheromones!

Find Me Now Love

A wife lies in bed longing for some action, but her spouse has fallen asleep many hours earlier, a common occurrence for the past many months. A 20 something lad taking his lunch break early just to catch the lovely female from the office next to his.

Only, he never even noticed she existed. A youthful man at the twilight of him teenaged years, finally admitting to her best friend that she's in love with him , only to be met with a sisterly kiss and the consolation of friendship. How many times have these situations happened before? How frequently are they happening presently ? Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is a fact of existence .

Some of us have attributed it our lack of "aesthetic" gifts, that we don't have the movie star looks nor the washboard abs or the perky breasts that frequently compensate for lacking a charming face .

Many people find comfort in the words that beauty lies in the beholder. It does not!

Those words are for losers who need to feel happy for the way things are.

But here's a scientifically proven fact.

Beauty doesn't lie in the eyes of the beholder.

It lies in his or him nose.

I'm talking about pheromones, and how medical professionals have concluded that it holds the genetic key to sexual attraction. pheromones are said to be chemical substances that are excreted by the body to excite responses from the members of the opposite sex. Now here's the twist. Different people excrete different levels of pheromones.

Some excrete big amounts of this substance. Others excrete pitiful amounts of the same. Those who're blessed with a lot of pheromones to spare, of course, are the people who easily win the attention, and the hearts, of those whom they fancy. Have you ever seen a beautiful girl who is heads over heels in love with a geeky looking punk? That, my personal ally , is the result of pheromones at work!

In a study we conducted at the author's website , we surveyed exactly 100 guys, each of whom we gave some complementary bottles of pheromone cologne. In return, they only had to answer some questions we've prepared. The collated replies shocked us. Of these 100 guys, 92 observed an increase in the numeral of women who tried to establish eye contact with them.

89 of these males noticed an increase in the numeral of women who gave them a smile. 81 of them reported that they were actually approached by women. 76 of them were approached by women they previously didn't know. And 68 of them professed to having experienced a dramatic improvement of their sex existence . And all of these changes were observed while they were wearing the pheromone colognes we handed over!

The potency of pheromones is well documented. Various media outlets of credible reputation have reported pheromones under the most positive light possible. CNN, Times Magazine, The New York Times, WebMD... all these institutions consent that pheromones are greatly responsible for many of the essential processes that occur during the mating recreation ... processes which are invisible to the human eye, but aren't undetected by the human nose.

If you can't get laid no matter how difficult you attempt , or if you've known nothing but rejection all your life , don't blame yourself. Just remember , it's not you. It's the pheromones.

The question is... what're you going to do about it?


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Aphrodisiacs A-Z

Find Me Now Love

The Greek Goddess Aphrodite holds claim on where the word ''aphrodisiac" came from. An aphrodisiac is a smell , food, drink or drug which causes an increase in sexual appetite, or libido. In 1989, The FDA (food and drug administration) claimed officially that there's no such thing, and that the use of aphrodisiacs is based only in folklore and legend.

No one seems to give a hoot what the FDA says. Aphrodisiacs are sold over the counter and online by the hundreds, from oils and scents that bring out your own, natural human pheromones as an aphrodisiac, along with Chinese medicinal aphrodisiacs that include ginseng, ginger, and even ( presently outlawed and placed on the endangered species note ) rhino tusks.

From natural and herbal aphrodisiacs to chemically invented, aphrodisiacs are still on the market and still quite popular. The most popular and widely used aphrodisiacs are still oysters. Served raw and on the half shell, this seafood, along with scallops, are equated with powerful sexual energy and stamina. Next are the adrenaline glands of various animals sold in apothecary shops.

The danger of these is that some are poisonous if you are allergic to them; use with caution. Anchovies and licorice are popular aphrodisiacs and date back to ancient Greece. How do specific foods and glands get on the aphrodisiac note ? The answer is simple , most likely it started after simple observation. For example , rabbit and goat glands are considered to provide heightened sexual energy because the animals that they are procured from reproduce rapidly.

Other foods, such as chilies and curry, cause one to sweat and experience and increased heart rate. Eating the heart of a live snake while its still beating is popular in Vietnam for "making you powerful ," or increasing your stamina. Snakes and sex go back as far as the bible. Once glorified in what's at this time Mexico, chocolate is still considered one of the ultimate aphrodisiacs, but was too fairly difficult to come by.

As it became more common and available, its popularity as an aphrodisiac waned. The husk, or outer casing of the blister beetle, which is a brilliant green, is used in the making of one of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, Spanish fly. While this "drug" was used throughout history as an aphrodisiac, it is only, alas, a myth with a horrifying urban legend attached to it.

(No doubt you have heard the tale of the date, having ingested Spanish fly after her boyfriend slipped it to her , impaled herself on the gearshift of the car while she went to get popcorn at the drive in movies.) In actuality, Spanish fly is a drink made with tequila. Rumor has it that now; finally, there is a chemically made aphrodisiac in the form of a nasal spray. The food and drug administration is in phase three of testing this unused OTC aphrodisiac, known only as PT-141 for at this time.
