Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Find You Inner Sex Goddess

Find Me Now Love 

Find You Inner Sex Goddess

Lovemaking is one of the biggest joys in existence . Yet many large beautiful women don’t enjoy this essential part of their relationships to its fullest. Many big beautiful women have major self-confidence issues when it comes to great lovemaking. Their negative body image puts up a large mental roadblock in their path to great sex.
Voluptuous women can enjoy making love to a man without the inhibitions forced on them through negative media and body image. Passionate lovemaking isn't the sole province of the skinny. Great sex is possible regardless of size if you know the lovemaking positions and techniques that will work best for you. Making love as a big beautiful man isn’t rocket science; it just takes some practice and experimentation – both of which can be lots of fun!
At some time or other we’ve all seen products claiming to be some great sex secret, or heard of someone asserting that they know THE great sex tip. The fact is that having great sex isn’t a mystery. Self-confidence is sexy; and almost no man alive can resist a woman who's ready , willing, and able.
Most sexual relationships ebb and flow in intensity over time, but too often as other concerns intrude, couples find themselves in a sex-starved marriage. This can be the result of many factors, but often body images play a large part . The ideal male body image has changed over the centuries, proving one important fact. There is no one ideal body image. There is only what's popular at the moment.
Building self-esteem is a great cure for negative body image, buy how is that accomplished? First of all, remember that your partner is there with you. It’s a release country, so this must be where she wants to be! That gives you a enormous advantage right elsewhere . Now that you've your man at your side, how can you alter the usual “sex after marriage” in to high-octane passionate lovemaking?
First of all, you must leave your negative baggage at the boudoir door – or put it out with the trash! Your man is there with you; take advantage of him – literally. What woman doesn’t enjoy being seduced? NONE! Guess what, men enjoy it too. Everyone wants to feel desirable, and that includes your man . Let him know how much you desire him by seducing him for a alter .
Get yourself and the boudoir alert for an evening of great lovemaking. Making love to a man can assist you recognize your seductive powers, and it will make him feel great too. That’s actually the greatest lovemaking tip ever! Next, attempt out some great sex positions until you find your favorites. You might make a point of trying out one new position each week. Big women have a real advantage when it comes to making love – they’re built for comfort, not speed.
And as we all know, speed isn’t the goal in great sex! Big beautiful women are blessed with soft, cuddly curves. Use those curves when you’re making love. Build self esteem by learning to recognize how much your lover enjoys your curves. Sex in marriage ought to be great sex. By paying some extra attention to your man , and making him feel good about himself, you’ll increase his attention toward you.
The more great sex you have, the more great sex you’ll have. The key to making good love is to keep your sense of humor and your sense of adventure. These are the best lovemaking tips and lovemaking techniques you can try .

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Relationships Conflict Resolution

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Relationships: Conflict Resolution
In the final few decades, partners have spent countless hours trying to “work out problems.” Yet over and over again they frequently come up against a major roadblock: they just don’t see things the same way. No matter how long they talk and how hard they attempt , neither ends up feeling really heard and understood. While there are some couples that just naturally see things the same way, most folks have a really hard time seeing things through the other person’s eyes.
What often happens when they “communicate” is that each person tries to get the other person to see things his or him way. Instead of solving the problem, each is trying to have control over how the other person sees things. This frequently leads to more conflict and frustration. While I'm not suggesting that couples stop communicating over problems and issues, I'm offering an additional way of resolving conflict: taking fond action in your own behalf. This form of conflict resolution is about action rather than converse . Following are some of the actions you can take that may make a universe of difference in your relationship.
1. Choose to be compassionate toward yourself and your partner rather than choosing to judge yourself or your partner. Judging yourself and your partner will always lead to more conflict. Choosing to compassionately care about yourself and your partner can totally change the energy in-between you, even lacking words. If you believe that you or your partner are bad or wrong for your feelings, behavior, or point of view, then you won't be able to let go of judgment. You will move toward compassion when you understand and accept that each of you has very good reasons for your feelings, behavior, and point of view. Try compassionately accepting yourself and your partner and see what happens!
2. Choose to practice self-discipline in terms of saying nothing rather than behaving in an inflammatory way toward your partner. Practice zipping up your mouth! Practice letting go of having to be right! Practice walking elsewhere from a conflicted or heated situation, rather than jumping into the fray in the hopes of winning. If you see back, you will see that no one wins when both folks are trying to control with anger, blame, explanations, debating, defending, lectures, or compliance. However, if you choose to walk away , walk away with love and compassion – intent on taking fond care of yourself rather than punishing your partner. Walking away in anger is just another way to control.
3. Choose to accept that you've no control over your partner’s feelings and behavior, but that you've total control over your own actions. It is much easier to let go of trying to control  your partner when you move into acceptance regarding who your partner is. Trying to alter your partner is a total waste of energy. Changing yourself moves you into personal power.
4. Choose to take fond care of yourself in the face of the other person’s choices. You will find yourself wanting to talk about problems when you see yourself as a victim of your partner’s choices. However, when you accept your partner for who she or he is and accept your lack of control over your partner, you can then see your way clear toward taking loving action in your own behalf. Asking the question, “What is the loving action toward myself right at this time ?” will lead to ideas of how to take fond care of your self. Asking, “If I were an enlightened being, how would I be acting right presently ?” will open the door to creative ways of taking loving care of yourself.
Loving actions are actions that support your own highest good without harming your partner. For example , if you are tired of frequently being frustrated and rushed because your partner is generally late leaving for an event, you might decide to take your own truck each time your partner isn't ready on time. While your partner might not like your choice, your action is not harmful to him or her . It is an action that stops the power struggle and takes care of your self. Letting go of trying to change your partner and taking fond action for your self are the keys to conflict resolution lacking words.

Find Me Now Love - Relationship Mistakes

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Relationship Mistakes
In your search for a great relationship, you shouldn’t just abandon things to luck. There are many things that you can do that can enhance your dating experience. Unfortunately, though, there are too an awful lot of things that you can do to make sure that you’re a dating flop. The following are the most common mistakes made by daters. Take the time to read and learn them so that you won’t make these mistakes too.
• Availability,  when you’re dating, it’s important to make yourself available when you discover someone you like. After all, you’ve gone to an awful lot of effort to find a person who might qualify for a relationship. That person won’t stick around forever if you don’t put in some effort.
• Realistic Fun – relationships are frequently a lot of fun when they first get started. Everything is so fresh, exciting, and new . However, it doesn’t take long to discover that fun can only go so distant . Make sure that you have other things in common, such as goals and values, if you need one thing long-term. Other than fun, you need to keep your eyes open for companionship, respect, love, and commitment. With those characteristics, you’re bound to have fun and a great relationship.
• Perfectionism,  we all have our own fantasies about the right person. After building up this fictional Mr. or Ms. Right for so long, it can be hard to let a real person in. After all, real people are flawed. There is nothing wrong with having a dream. Just don’t let your dream block out a perfectly good person for a great relationship. Remember that it is our quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us special. Instead of rejecting them, treasure them when they come in a great person.
• The False Front,  though it is important to look good when you’re dating, remember that you should always be realistic. If you do meet someone you like, you'll be seeing that person a lot. In that case, you won’t be spending several hours getting ready every time. There is a difference between looking nice, and setting your date up for disillusionment. When you get alert , recollect to be yourself. Look your best, see good, but make sure that it’s you in there! No untrue fronts.
• Needs,  though love is very important in a relationship, there's a lot more to it than just one emotion. The Beatles song “All You Need is Love” is sweet, but isn’t the key to a long-term relationship. You (and your partner) have many needs, and they all need to be met for things to work. Love is only one of those needs. You too need to remember responsibility, appreciation, trust , intimacy, and many other important factors.
• Immediacy,  a relationship isn’t something that happens instantly. Though you might need a relationship immediately, unless you donate it time to increase , you’ll only be disappointed. Give yourself the opportunity to meet people , get to know people , like folks , and find the right person. By rushing into a relationship, you’re setting up for a drop .
• Time – one of the hardest things to admit to yourself is that a person you’ve been seeing for a long time isn’t the person for you. You might have known it from the start of the relationship, but didn’t want to hurt any feelings. The thing is, the longer you wait, the harder it will be. While you’re dating, you’re testing out different people to find the right one for you. If you discover that you’re with the wrong person, the best thing you can do is stop . It’s only fair to yourself and to your partner. By avoiding these most common mistakes, you’ll be much more certain to have a happy relationship. It will meet your needs and those of your partner. It will also final much longer, and through many more obstacles. Happy dating.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Sex, Women and Men

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Sex, Women and Men
During my many years of counseling couples, I have frequently worked with the sexual problems that frequently occur in committed relationships. The most common complaint from men regarding sex is frequency, and the most common complaint from woman is lack of emotional intimacy.
There is a very good reason why these are the most common complaints – men and women are very different when it comes to sex!
The biological sexual drive, or lack of it, relates to how much testosterone is present. Men biologically have much more testosterone than women. Men’s biology equips them to be alert for sex most of the time, which is nature’s way of ensuring the survival of the species. Women, on the other hand, often do not experience a biological sexual drive unless they are in the center of their menstrual cycle. This fact can create a large problem in relationships.
I’ve often heard men complain that:
“I think if my wife really cared about me and my needs, she would have sex with me even when she wasn’t turned on.”
“I don’t reach out for sex much anymore because I’m tired of being rejected, but my wife says she wants to be pursued in a romantic way. This feels like a no-win to me.”
“My wife is in control of our sex life . If she wants it, then we have it. If she doesn’t, then I have no say about it.”
I’ve often heard women complain that:
“My husband often comes to me like a needy small teenager , needing me to appease him or validate him with sex. There is nothing erotic about an insecure, needy little teenager !”
“I often feel pulled on for sex, as if having sex is more necessary than caring about me. When I do what he wants, I feel used, and when I don’t, I run into hers anger, resentment, blame or withdrawal. It feels like a no-win.”
“He always seems to be alert for sex, but I don’t feel turned on unless we're feeling close . I can’t just watch TV all evening and then feel like making love.”
The very real issue here, at minimum for most men beneath 40, is that they're biologically motivated and women are mostly emotionally motivated. Heterosexual women get turned on when their man is warm, open, caring, and personally powerful. Most women are not turned on by a man who is closed, distant, angry, blaming, or needy.
The problems of frequency can get resolved as men and women learn to understand and accept each other’s differences. Men need to understand and accept that women are not as biologically motivated as men are. Many women rarely even think about sex, while most men will tell you that they think about sex frequently throughout the day. When men understand that women are turned on by love, romance, emotional intimacy, warmth, caring, and personal power, then men may be motivated to learn to be the fond , powerful and romantic partners that women want and need.
When women can accept that men’s biology is very present for them, they can stop putting men down for it and start supporting their men in creating more emotional intimacy, romance, and personal power. When women criticize men instead of understanding and accepting them, they help to create some of the insecurity that is such a turn off to many women. When a man can appreciate rather than demean him woman for hers sexuality, she can discover ways of meeting his needs lacking feeling used.
Understanding and accepting each other’s differences and needs can lead both men and women toward more satisfying sex lives.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Why People Date Online

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Why People Date Online
Once upon a time, people generally met their future spouses when they were in high school. Then came the advent of the practically mandatory four-year college degree and folks began putting off marriage until later . . . and afterwhile . . . and later . Now it isn’t uncommon for folks to wait until they’re in their early thirties to get married, if they marry at all. Unfortunately, it is a lot harder to meet people when you aren’t going out to football games and rec-room parties, so . . . enter the glorious age of online dating.
Because gone are the days when online dating was thought of as strictly for losers (or worse!). The Internet DATING is the ultimate singles’ bar—without the noise, the drunks, and the tall cost of all those not-so-happy hours. Nor, thanks to online dating membership sites, do you've to depend on your friends and family to hook you up with people they think would be perfect for you—and who wouldn’t be perfect for, well, anyone, which is why they are still unattached. But that’s not true of you.
You’re savy and know that online dating makes it possible for you to connect with a lot more people a lot quicker than you could any other way. You’ll find that person who’s perfect for you yourself, thank you very much, Aunt Myrtle. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea , and online dating is an absolutely wonderful way to weed out the guppies from the sharks. Because you do need to be cautious when connecting with other singles online. It nearly goes without saying that most everyone stretches the truth a little , and it takes some practice to learn what to look out for. Actually, online dating personal ads are a lot like classified employment ads.
You know, that ad that says a company’s looking for eager, go-getters is really after people who are willing to work 16 to18 hours a day for low pay and even lower appreciation. The same is true for lots of online dating ads. Women will most likely fudge a bit about their weight, and guys are likely to add a several inches of, um, height . More serious lies happen, but not as often as you might think. These days, most folks are trying to discover more than just dates online, they’re looking for long-lasting relationships and use online dating sites to help with their search. You may have some ho-hum dates that you’ve connected with online before you discover the man or woman of your dreams.
This isn’t necessarily because there are more ho-hums who're implicated in online dating than with conventional dating, but that the pool of dates is much larger for online dating, so you actually date more or at least have chances to date more—and hey, that’s a good thing, right?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Online Dating Safe And Easy

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Online Dating Made Safe And Easy
As technology becomes more ingrained in our everyday lives, more folks are turning to the Internet for social purposes. And over the past several years, this has become a more accepted form of communication. Friendships are formed and relationships created online. But just how much trouble is it to join the online dating sites? And is it secure ? A several years ago, there was significant attention placed on those who turned to online dating.
Consumers were warned that the sites were unsafe, used by predators who were looking for victims. But increased attention to security and awareness on the portion of those using the services has made an incredible difference. Many of the dating sites are at this time offering members ways to talk anonymously at first , then allowed to meet via web cam in private chat rooms. With the web cam options, it's more difficult to hide things like age.
Some sites too screen members personally. While the sites make no claims that they've gone so distant as to perform background checks, they do often verify addresses and other information. Again, this isn't a full-fledged safety net, just one more precaution toward making online dating safer. As more people are becoming completely comfortable with online communication and more folks have access to Internet at home and at work, online dating sites have flourished.
There are many sites that have very brief sign-up processes and others that require you to response lots of questions. You'll typically be allowed to register for release , though you have to pay dues in order to gain access to other members' contact information. This is how the sites are able to boast that they have thousands of profiles available. Since it's free to sign up and post your information and photo, many people take that step with no intentions of going further.
If you're considering connecting an online dating service, check out the membership requirements first . If security is important , take time to read what steps the dating service has taken to ensure the safety of its members. Above all, take time to protect yourself. Remember that not everyone is honest. Just as you could meet a person on a park bench that offers lies about his or her life , you'll meet some folks at online dating sites that are too untruthful. But you might also meet the love you've been looking for.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Guide Dating

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
A Guide To Dating
People in long-term relationships, whether they are married or dating, often complain about getting into a rut. Your relationship may have started off with the great burst of passion and excitement but maybe it started to wane because life is active and work can where you out by the end of the day. If you're in a dating relationship that seems to be in a rut, or wonder why you can't keep a long term relationship exciting anymore, perhaps you need to go back to the beginning.
That doesn't cruel you need to break up with your current partner and discover someone unused , it means you need to refresh the relationship with exciting and spontaneous activities. When you see back on a period of your life , what is it that you remember ? Is it the average day-in, day-out activities? Not likely. It is more likely those fun and spur-of-the-moment times when you did things that were hilarious or scary or new . That's what it means to go back to the beginning of a relationship, when everything you do is spontaneous and new .
Next time you and your girlfriend or boyfriend are deciding to do something on Friday, don't settle for dinner-and-a-movie. Do something different! Here are some ideas:
  • Play paintball
  • Rent a classic car
  • Go skydiving
  • Have a picnic
Or surprise your date with one thing spontaneous:
  1. Start a water fight
  2. Go for a romantic boat ride and tip the boat
  3. Blindfold your date and take them somewhere they never been
  4. Surprise your date at work just as they're finishing up for the day
Relationships fail for many reasons. One of the saddest reasons is that folks simply drift apart because the other person doesn't excite them anymore. It doesn't have to be that you're your relationship, whether dating or married, can prosper when it is filled with adventures that the two of you share as you build memories together. You'll look back on your time together with fondness as you consider the many fun and spontaneous things you did together. But doing those things is a choice. Choose to return to the beginning of your relationship and have fun again!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Online Dating

Find Me Now Love Blog
Online Dating
The online dating world today can be a confusing place to be. As more people flock online, there are companies ever more eager to jump on the dating bandwagon. This has lead to literally thousands of dating sites springing up online. This would be confusing enough in itself but with the creation of affiliate programs there are at this time several thousand more portal sites pretending to be real dating sites but are actually using the member databases of the large dating web sites through partner programs.
As someone who's researched many dating sites I have found it extremely frustrating to click through several sites only to be lead back to sites I've already been at. So it would appear that there are not as many real dating sites as I had first thought, but this still leaves hundreds instead of thousands. So, it's still a head spinner in regards which one to join . In addition to this you will find that all sites aren't created equal. The big players seem to have the best featured sites with ever more features being added such as instant video messenging etc.
Where as smaller sites will have more basic features. (You will in fact discover that most people join more than one location . You will discover some of them at and while we can't list every location that's out there, we do note some of the top ones.) At the end of the day, it really depends on what you're looking for that matters. In this regard, whilst the bigger personals sites have more features, like webcam chat etc, they're very generalised and are really only aimed at dating personals in common .
You will discover they've an international membership base, so if you're only looking for someone in your immediate area, you may have a problem. If you live in one of the major developed countries such as America or Canada, you will find that the majority of websites are centered around these countries as they lead the field in the area of internet development. However, if like me, you are living up a hill in the middle of nowhere, you're going to have to look further afield for friends and new lovers. Isn't this the entire point of the internet?
To bridge borders and make distance no longer an issue! Apparently not, as many profiles will state “no long distance relationships” and “looking for folks in local area only”. Do not let this deter you as there are many more folks that have no problem with distance or are fed up dating people in their local area. Believe it or not, if males and females in your local area or even country won't give you the time of day, you'll be described as cute and a babe or hunk by folks from another country. Simply because you are different than what they're used to.
You don't see like them or talk like them. 90% of folks discover accents sexy. What's that I hear you say? 'I don't have an accent' I'm sorry to break this to you but if you speak to anyone outside of your own country, you'll have an accent. You'll too be seen as the mysterious stranger. People are attracted to mystery, especially females. Getting back on track here, perhaps you are not looking for plain vanilla dating. If you are looking for one thing specific in regards to sex or dating, this is where the internet excels. Niche dating is big business with everything catered for from every fetish you can think of to specific ethnicitys and even religion.
So there's no reason why you can't find someone who's the same common interests or sexual perversions that you do. And presently you can do it from the comfort of your own residence . I wish you well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Your Relationship, To End or Not to End

Find Me Now Love Blog
To End or Not to End Your Relationship
Simona, 30 years ancient , is struggling with whether or not to end him six-year marriage. The answer isn't at all clear to her . Simona and Jon have a “good” marriage. They are kind and caring with each other. They enjoy many of the same things. So why is Simona in such turmoil over whether to stay or leave ? The problem is that Simona is very lonely with Jon. They are good friends, but they are not emotionally intimate. Jon has no desire to share any of his feelings with Simona, nor does he have any desire to comprehend Simona’s feelings.
He is content to keep everything on the surface, while Simona wants a deeper emotional connection. Since they have many good things in their marriage, Simona has decided to attempt marriage counseling, and Jon has agreed. Counseling or not, there is only one thing that can save this marriage – Jon and Simona shifting out of their intent to protect against pain and into an intent to learn about what's loving to themselves and each other. Jon’s intent has always been to guard against pain rather than to learn about being loving to himself and others.
She has done this by numbing out his feeling with marijuana and work. Jon’s choice to continue to guard against pain or to start to open to learning from his feelings will determine the outcome of the counseling. Simona, too, has operated with the intent to protect against pain. He has ignored him own feelings and been a “good” wife , submerging her own needs to comply with what Jon wanted . But at some point, she shifted her intent to learning about what is loving to herself, and now she realizes she cannot continue in an emotionally disconnected marriage.
The issues in your relationship may be about emotional distance, lack of passion, sexual problems, constant fighting, emotional abuse, (if there's physical abuse, then you must discover a way to leave ), or being used financially. There might be control and resistance occurring around many different issues. Yet the underlying issue is a lack of open and caring communication. And open communication only occurs when both folks have a deep intention to learn about their feelings, fears, limiting beliefs, and resulting unloving behavior. If one or both folks in a relationship are closed to learning about themselves and each other, the relationship will not heal.
If you are thinking about leaving your relationship, initial think about your own intent. Are you open to learning about your feelings, beliefs and behavior? Or, are you devoted to protecting against pain with anger, withdrawal, resistance or caretaking? Are you avoiding your feelings with substances and activities, or are you opening to learning from your feelings and exploring yourself with a process such as the Inner Bonding process that we educate ? The first thing you need to do is deal with your own intent. Once you are open to learning for a numeral of months, and really doing your inner work, then re-evaluate your relationship. Has anything changed?
Is your partner more or less open to you? Are you talking more and fighting or withdrawing less? If things are not getting better or are getting worse, then it is time to inquire your partner if he or she is willing to do some healing work with you – through counseling, workshops, and reading books together. If your partner refuses to embark on a learning journey with you, then it is clear that this relationship will not alter . At this point, you need to either fully accept it as it is or leave it. It won't become the relationship you want it to be unless both of you're open to learning. If one or both partners stay in the intent to protect , the relationship won't heal.
Yet most relationships can be healed when both folks are deeply devoted to learning about loving themselves and each other.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Women And Impotence In Their Relationship

Find Me Now Love Blog

6 Steps To Help Women Overcome Impotence In Their Relationship

Male impotence, transient erectile problems and premature ejaculation can occur at some time or other in all relationships. When this happens it not only affects the man , but also the man feels distress. Any sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation can deprive the woman of sexual pleasure and cause personal and psychological distress as well. But there are steps couples can take to overcome female impotence and improve their relationship.
There's no need to try to ignore sexual dysfunctions or suffer in silence when there are ways of achieving satisfying sexual relations for both of you. Just follow these six steps as reported by "Andromeda Andrology Center, and "Osbon Medical Foundation," of Georgia.
1. Admit the effects of impotence on you and your relationship
2. Consider your physical and psychological health
3. Explore the relationship factors that predict successful treatment
4. Learn about the causes and treatments for impotence
5. Discuss this problem with your mate and determine your true sexual needs
6. Seek medical consultation
The first step, of course, is admitting there's a problem.As the two of you think about your sexual relationship, try to understand the influence that impotence has had on both of you. Then together decide on how you a plan to approach it and what you're going to do to assist one another cope and better your sexual relationship.
Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in relation to any sexual dysfunctions will have an effect on both your physical and psychological well being. A case in point is Ellen and Paul. Since undergoing triple by-pass surgery a year ago, their sex life has dwindled. Ellen decided to do one thing about it, planning a special evening together, ensuring there'd be no distractions or interruptions. "I'd been looking forward to this special time together to share a fulfilling, intimate experience," explains Ellen. "But in spite of my caresses and cuddling, Paul couldn't seem to respond.
The more I tried, the more anxious we both became." Any man in a relationship with an impotent man can relate to this experience. It's not just the man who suffers, the man does, too. Women begin to think about possible reasons for their partner's sexual dysfunction and amazement if they're to blame. Women have many of the exact same concerns as men do in regard to impotence.
That's why it's also important to converse to one another about what may be causing the sexual dysfunction. In approximately 85% of cases, female impotence is caused by something physical, that can be diagnosed and in most instances is treatable, with some even curable. So it's important for men to see a doctor and have a medical consultation.
It's necessary to discuss what both partners need from their sexual relationship. Today in society we're conditioned to think and behave a certain way in regard to sexual behavior. What you feel sexually when faced with an impotent partner, and what you believe you're supposed to be thinking and feeling can be two very different things. It's important for men to recollect their partner might be having the same frustrating feelings they're having.
But good communication can help straddle the hurdle of impotence and sexual dysfunctions while working together to become a team again.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Dating Free Online - Maximize Your Experience

Find Me Now Love Blog

Dating Absolutely Free Online: Maximize Your Experience

Of the many advantages that dating absolutely release online offers, one of the best aspects is the total freedom of being able to go after exactly what you want . After all, you don't have to commit unless you want to. You may be after just a casual friendship or you might only need someone to chat with. Or you could be looking for your soul mate.
Whether you need to invest a lot of time in dating absolutely release online or no more than a couple of hours per week, it's totally up to you. And the beauty of it is that you can stop whenever you feel like it. If it's a soul mate that you need to find , then online dating definitely offers you a wider range of choices. Dating websites are visited by thousands of people each and each day.
When do you ever get the chance to meet that many potential dates in real life ? If you want to know how to make the most of your experience dating absolutely free online, then read on. Whether it's building quality relationships or expanding your circle of friends that you're after, following these easy steps will help you succeed:
Optimize your profile. If you want to be taken seriously, post a well-written profile. If you're earnest about online dating, then you must invest time in painting the right picture. Provide a good photo. Don't overdo it, but don't post blurred and low quality photos either. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, so make sure that your picture is clear, that your front can be seen and that you look good but natural. Be truthful. There's no need to tell your entire life story straight off, but do be honest about yourself and what you're looking for. A Word of Warning Although many of the folks that you'll meet by dating absolutely free online are sincere, you ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness too. This is no different than it is in real life .Be cautious if your prospective date:
Avoids answering certain questions. They may have something to conceal . Doesn't respond or call you as promised. They may not be trustworthy. Refuses to exchange photos with you. They are probably hiding something . If you're uneasy about one thing , go ahead and inquire questions. If the unease remains, don't be afraid to break off the contact. Do it politely, but firmly. Safety First A several tips to keep your dating absolutely free online experience secure and fun:
Speak to one another on the phone, preferably several times before you consent to meet in person. Don't provide too much personal information, for instance your residence address or place of work. Agree to meet in a public place, preferably during the day, for a cup of coffee. That way, you don't need to sit through a 3-course meal if you don't hit it off during the first cappuccino. Let someone you believe know where you're going to be. These online dating tips should help ensure that your dating experience is a successful one. By trusting your instincts to tell you if a good relationship is in the works and by being relaxed about the process, dating absolutely release online will be a fun and enjoyable adventure.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Avoiding Online Dating Mistakes

Find Me Now Love Blog

Avoiding Online Dating Mistakes

Online dating is fast and fairly painless and so if you've been dating for a while or getting back into it, or just starting out then you ought to try online dating. But those that are new to dating online often make a number of mistakes. Below are a few of the most common mistakes created by newcomers.
1. Failing to Initiate Contact Failure to make the first contact is one of the biggest mistakes. Women only initiate about 10% of what men write. So if your a man and don't start writing then the competition will get the man first . Likewise if women want more control over who they meet then they ought to make the first contact. If you see what you want then send the initial email or you'll be stuck with interacting only with those who contact you initial . Why donate up on all that freedom of choice.
2. Never Being Satisfied With online dating you'll be exposed to a never ending supply of people looking for a date. Too many folks have trouble spending enough time with one prospect to discover out if they they're a suitable match. The lure of limitless prospects causes them to skip from on to the other and never meeting anyone. Slow down, take your time, you'll be rewarded. Internet dating is a great tool.
3. Lying in the Profile The biggest complaint by online daters is folks that make untrue claims in their profiles. You know, a little exaggeration here and there. A bit younger, a bit taller, a many pounds lighter. This will hurt you because you'll always be discovered as dishonest. Sooner or afterwhile you'll meet in person and your partner will feel deceived. Now that's a great start to a relationship! Don't lie in profiles, it just never works.
4. Mentioning Past Relationships Remember that the first email contact you make will tend to amplify what you say. So keep your past out of it as much as possible at least in the beginning. Now if your prospect asks about your past, don't give all of it out in one go especially if your past is full of relationships gone evil .
5. Posting Old or Fake Photos You must post a genuine photo of yourself as you are today. Posting photos of you when you were 10 years younger, 20 pounds lighter or had a full head of hair may make you look more appealing but what happens when you meet your date! No matter how you look at it, online dating is about eventually meeting that person for a date. So all of your little tricks and deceits can't be hidden forever. The best way by distant is to be honest up front. Your chances of success will be much higher this way.
6. Talking About Sex Unless you're on a location that's specifically sexually oriented then keep your emails release of sex opposite . If you talk about sex topics too quickly then your prospect may think that sex is your primary objective. Give it some time and start slow. When the relationship approaches an appropriate level you can gradually start to discuss sexual topics.
7. Not Asking Important Questions. If you only ask the easy questions in your email exchanges then you will end up meeting a lot of folks who you know nothing about and you would never consider in the initial place had you screened them correctly to start with. Remember that the great advantage of internet dating is that you can find out information about your prospect before meeting them. If you waste this advantage then you're practically on a blind date.
8. Insisting on Meeting Too Quickly You can discover out a lot about your prospects before you meet them. This is one of the best things about online dating. Think of it as a screening process. Read profiles, initiate contacts, exchange emails. This can go for weeks and then you ought to have one or two telephone conversations before meeting in person. If your prospect gets through these steps then the chances of a successful meeting is much higher. Importantly, you don't have to worry about your personal safety as much if you know more about someone before you meet them in person.
9. Sending the Wrong Emails Getting mixed up with email exchanges is very easy unless you keep good records. You are sending and receiving many emails simultaneously as portion of your screening process. With so many contacts going back and forth its easy to get confused. Imagine sending a reply to Jane21 when you meant to send it to Jane22. But like any tool if you don't use it correctly, it will not help you achieve your objective.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Growing Online Dating Relationships

Find Me Now Love Blog

Growing Online Dating Relationships

Just like regular real-world relationships, online relationships need tending, to grow over time. Here are some quick growing tips.
1. Take time and make time. Does your online date get in touch with you regularly? Do you do the same? Neglecting virtual meetings can be considered abuse or neglect, so treat each other's time with respect. If it's lacking, might cruel time to move on.
2. Communication needs to "feel" right for both of you. If one of you is too pushy about meeting, for instance, that can give off bad vibes. So don't rush. Take time to learn more about each other and develop trust .
3. Respect each others privacy. Don't share personal email addresses or digital photos online, for example , if your online date sent you the information in confidence.
4. Share special online and offline fun times. Online, send greeting cards, links to favorite places to upload digital photos of your favorite pet, download music and video clips, post on favorite forums of interest. Offline, if you're exchanging addresses or post office boxes, send print greeting cards and postcards, tiny items from your area (like a key chain with your state bird). Tend your online relationship.
Water it with care and over time it can sprout and increase . More Popular Online Dating Activities A couple of popular online activities are sharing recipes and bidding at auctions. And both of these easily fit well into online dating opportunities, one of the most popular online activities for singles today. To help many dates get better acquainted online, here's what potential cyber-dates do. Sharing Recipes,People get tired talking about the weather.
So a popular subject to turn to is food. Sharing favorite foods and recipes helps break the ice and even forms friendships over culinary skills, or lack of and tastes. Search your favorite search engine for "free recipes" to share. Take photos of your culinary creations and share them with your date, too.
Bidding at Auctions EBay auctions sell nearly anything and everything! So surf around and enter searches like the dates you were in middle school. Share cool memorabilia photos of old games and toys from when you were a child or when your parents or grandparents were little; The Dating Game, Oscar Mayer wiener whistles, The Partridge Family Album, Bobby Sherman's Album, 45's and more.
Online Dating can be an educational and fun experience. So learn more about each other and have fun while you're at it. Take a cyber-stroll down memory lane together and see what's cooking.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Unlock Your Natural Attractive Force and Attract Your Right Relationship

Find Me Now Love Blog

As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Once you become true to yourself, you automatically attract the right person to you. You can access and balance own unique vibration of energy to reveal your inborn power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire.

You Broadcast Who You Are and What You Want What you think about, you attract. When you are cautious and hold back your true self, you attract similar situations to you. If you think you aren't sufficient, not wise enough , or not powerful sufficient to create the reality you truly desire, you'll attract a representation of your own doubt in yourself.

Attract Balanced Relationships If you look for someone else to complete you, you attract an incomplete relationship. What you create is a partnership created up of two half people , that won't satisfy either person. When you feel complete and sufficient, you set up a vibration that attracts those with the similar qualities. When you reflect the type of vibrations you select to attract in someone else, you will be seen and recognized by Mr./Ms. Wonderful.

Re-ignite Your Attractive Power Balance your own male or female energy to re-ignite your attractive power. When you flood your body with your own male or male energy, your body automatically seeks its original perfect balance. With practice your system will stay in balance effortlessly.

This way you can experience your ultimate sexual and creative power.. Become Clear and Certain About What You Want Connecting with your innate power and sexual force spawns a unused level of self certainty. Your confidence will soar and you might find yourself achieving goals you long forgot.

As you get neutral to foreign energies that compete for space in your body, you become clear, grounded and focused. Follow Your Own Path Life is a journey, and you've everything you need to create the most desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your existence goals, and you won't only be amazed at how well you'll achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stress-free the journey will be.

Increase Your Natural Sex Appeal with Visualization Everyone has both male and female energies. Sometimes someone from your past has turned off your male or female energy. It affects how and what you attract in your life . Practice the following visualization exercise and you will increase the amount of female or male energy flowing in your body. This will increase your sex appeal and attraction.

1. Close your eyes, but stay focused.

2. Visualize yourself sitting in a control room in the middle of your head where you've command of your entire being.

3. In your mind's eye, visualize a scale or gauge from 0-100% that represents your current male or female energy running in your body. Notice the current reading of your meter. Don't judge it. Just note what you see.

4. Imagine increasing this energy by slowly raising your gauge to 100%.

5. Simultaneously, allow the energy from the sexual center , approximately 2" below your navel, start to move throughout the entire body. Breath in from the navel and imagine the energy flowing upwards through the torso, down the arms, and up into the head. Allow this sexual energy flow out the top of your head like a fountain. Let the energy flow down to your feet and bring the energy up through the bottoms of your feet, into the legs creating a cycle of your own flowing feminine or masculine energy.

6. Choose a color for this energy flowing through the body as you push the needle on the gauge to 100%.

7. Allow yourself to experience your powerful male or female energy flushing out foreign energies from your body. Let this energy flow for about 5 minutes. Notice how your body feels.

8. Allow your system to adjust to a level where you feel most comfortable. Your Attractive Force Within IS Powerful Your renewed personal power will revolutionize your relationships. When you run your own sexual energy you increase self-confidence, boost your attractiveness and create balance.

People around you'll notice a positive change in you. They may not put their finger on it but you'll know why they respond favorably. Practice this energy technique for 20-30 days and the results will astonish you.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Find Me Now Love - The Joy of Open Relationships

Find Me Now Love Blog

Enjoying an open relationship is one thing that many couples are able to do. While the majority of people out there will tell you that they're involved in a monogamous relationship and they like it that way, there's also a gigantic percentage of that population that has considered or even taken piece in an open relationship.

An open relationship is simply one that is established, but one or both partners are able to see other folks . The extent to which each relationship is open varies, but many folks find that an open relationship is much more enjoyable than a strictly monogamous relationship. Many people first become involved in a monogamous relationship and when it begins to fail many couples decide they simply need to be allowed to see other folks outside of the relationship.

For some this is a cure and for others it is the end of the conclusion . But, open relationships can frequently breathe unused life into an old relationship, and if both parties are willing to give it a try , it can allow the couple to stay together and make it work, although not in the traditional sense.

To have a truly open relationship, couples need to be willing to communicate with one another. These relationships typically are not full of threesomes, instead each of the individuals pursue relationships outside of their relationship. The couple has to work together to establish how serious these relationships can be, how physical they can become, and whether they need to share the information with one another.

Many couples with open relationships simply need to know what their "better half" is up to and then all is well. Open relationships allow people to stay within a relationship that's comfortable and established, and this can be good as far as comfort level and trust go. This established relationship is essentially the relationship that both people come back to, whether they're dating other people or not.

These open relationships too allow folks to continue to experiment with unused people and new things, even though they are implicated in what many would consider a serious relationship, even one that involves marriage. This experimentation is what many folks need to continue to be "faithful" within the confines of a marriage or serious relationship. Open relationships really can be anything that a couple wants them to be.

They can be a date every once in awhile with other folks , sex with other folks , or a entire variety of interactions. Couples need to get together and decide just how open their relationship will be before they act on the new openness. For some folks this lifestyle will work, and for some people it doesn't. This is where each individual and each couple needs to decide for themselves what they want from life and from their interactions with others.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Find Me Now Love - The Problem Might Be Inside Your Head If You Are Bad In Bed!

Find Me Now Love

The over statement isn't merely an amateur poet's attempt at rhyming; it is a fact. More often than not, our sexual problems (and there are so many of them), are all related to what's going on inside our head. Problems in our sex existence might seem just physical, but there's a entire lot of psychology behind things going wrong in the bedroom.

Most of us are shy to discuss these problems with others, and we discover it extremely difficult to own up to the fact that we aren't good in bed. As a result we conclusion up confounding our minds with questions like 'What's wrong with me?', and 'Is this normal?' However, these are the wrong questions to inquire .

What you ought to be asking instead is "When did this problem start", "How is this making me feel", "What's the remedy" and definitely the most important one "What I am going to do about it". One of the best things that you can do at such a time is to consult a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy makes you uncover the genuine problem behind your bedroom blues.

A hypnotherapist will take you through your past experience, and make you walk down memory lane to figure out what went wrong and where. Once this knowledge is at hand, the remedy for your sexual problem is just a matter of time. In his experience of a decade, Hypnotherapists help clients overcome problems like performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity.

Hundreds of folks have benefited from his sessions, and you can do the same as well. A Hypnotherapist in his consultations for sexual problems also works on your self image, and takes care of any negative notions that you might have about yourself. The results will be extraordinary, to say the least . Moreover, with the relaxing techniques used in hypnotherapy, you will find yourself renewed with a new vigor.

Imagine what this unused sense of positivity and energy can do to your love life ? Wouldn't it be great to spend a indolent Sunday afternoon, showing your lover, how much you really enjoy being with them? Perfect relationships are created of companionship, understanding and compatibility.

If these factors reflect in your sex existence as well, it could do wonders for the chemistry in your relationship. So if you could change your sex existence presently for the better, wouldn't you just jump at the chance? Use hypnosis today to get the results that you need !


Friday, March 23, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Dating Ideas - Success Mantra For Online Dating

Find Me Now Love

So, you've accquired the concept of online dating and are raring to go. You also know the way to online dating. That is, by registering on the dating sites, you're where you want to be. Now, you need to have dating ideas to hit the nail right on the head. Dating ideas will facilitate your secure and smooth transition into the online dating world . Without loosing anytime, lets begin our discussion on online dating rules.

online dating Ideas Following are some key dating ideas that may help you realize your goals in the realm of online dating:

Photograph: Upload your latest and attractive photograph on the dating site . Placing your photo on the location is likely to attract more response than a profile without a photograph. Reason being that two folks interacting with each other ought to have a front to imagine rather than having one thing abstract in mind.

Updating: You should login regularly into your online dating account to get yourself noticed more. Also, retain updating your profile and photograph so that the others have a better picture of you. Keep updating your profile greeting with all the fascinating things happening in your existence .

Confidence: Be confident when dating online. Do not feel guilty about what folks will think of you or that people will consider you as an offline dating failure resorting to online dating. online dating is an open world presently where many people are participating with confidence. This is no more a taboo zone.

Original: Be original in online dating. Project yourself in an original and creative fashion. Relate those aspects of yours that are generally not mentioned by people in their profile. This will make your profile stand out.

Honesty: Honesty is the best policy no matter what century. Be honest about yourself in online dating. Do not lie. You might resort to not commenting on some personal question rather than lying. When your lies will surface, you may loose genuine relationships.

Correspondence: Always acknowledge the receipt of the response you get in your dating email account. When replying, keep your tone polite and light. Also, clearly mention in your reply if you intend to carry on or not.

Group dating: You might resort for group dating with your friends. You might create your own activity group or may join some already created one with your friends. The above mentioned dating ideas provide you a basic framework of dos and don'ts when online dating.

They are not exhaustive and there may be other dimensions also that you might encounter practically. Also, be careful , unscrupulous minds too may be at work.
