Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Find Me Now Love - African Dating

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
African Dating
It is no secret that African culture is known for its pride. Most Africans don't have a problem standing up for their beliefs and causes, and are often ambitious when it comes to obtaining specific goals. That being the case, if you're of African descent and are seeking a relationship with someone of your ethnic background, you probably already have an idea of the type of man or woman you are looking for.
When it comes to finding the African man or woman of your dreams, there are many options awaiting you if you hook up with the right community. You can discover the ideal connection you're aspiring for, by getting to know others who share your same ambitions and dreams. Of course, like seeking any relationship, there are certain character qualities you will want to avoid such as: Money Suckers avoid a relationship with someone who's only interested in how much money you make.
Dramatics someone who takes things to the extreme could actually put your patience to the test. Desperation If your date is clingy, this is a good sign that she or she could have self-esteem issues or are desperate for reasons you might not need to know. Shady If for any reason you suspect that your date has one thing to conceal , or has been caught telling you a half-truth or a lie, it's time to move on. Once a liar, always a liar.
Control Freak It's true that relationships are about giving... but if you've to give up all of your release time or interests to appease your date, it's time to take back control and walk away . Now that you have an idea of what to avoid when dating, here are some of the things to look for: Beauty is Only Skin Deep - Of course appearance is an important part of dating, but recollect that it isn't the only aspect that should attract you. Look for someone who's intelligent; someone with personality.
Common Sense This is an attribute that goes a long way, and is a good indication that your date is knowledgeable, and can think on their own two feet. Self-Respect Any date that has self-respect, will take pride in their own ambitions, and should also respect yours. There is no reason why you should feel pressured into perusing a relationship with someone who doesn't interest you, or who is looking for different goals. You need to think about what you want , and donate it all you've got . And you can be sure, if it is meant to be, love will find a way to reach your heart.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Interracial Love

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Interracial Love
Interracial dating has really evolved over the past two decades due to the fact that the younger generations have had the chance to grow up in multicultural communities, allowing them to interact and make friends with individuals from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Although this has provided them with a different perspective and fewer prejudices, in most cases their parents and grandparents disapprove of their youngsters mingling with others, whom they consider to be "not like them".
This ever rising variety in culture can often leave older generations feeling defensive and fearful over the loss of their own cultural traditions and values, if their children select to seek an intimate relationship with someone of a different ethnic background. Some people also fear that if their youngsters begin to join with those from different races, their individual ethnic community will begin to shrink, while others are simply afraid of what they do not understand . If you are someone who is fascinated in seeking interracial dating, you need to understand that there are potential challenges that await you and your date.
You can be sure that there will always be those who disapprove of interracial mixing, and that being the case, you ought to prepare yourself for shocked or negative reactions that you might experience from certain public places, and maybe from yours or your date's family, relatives and maybe even your friends. Since interracial dating differs for every individual, what may be an easy experience for someone else, might prove to be more of a challenge for you depending on your family situation; therefore, one of the best ways for you to meet someone is to connect an online dating community like this, where you can safely meet and chat with a variety of individuals of different ethnicities such as black, white, eurasian, etc.
Here you need not concern yourself about criticisms or disapprovals. No one will judge you, and you'll discover that the folks you meet are exactly like you - fascinated in dating, being themselves and having fun. You don't need to limit yourself to your own culture when it comes to dating, and you shouldn't let anyone but yourself decide who you should date and love. Because when it comes down to it, the only opinion that should matter to you more than your own is your date's.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Drinking and Sex

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Drinking and Sex
Drinking is known as the numeral one 'panties/boxers remover' in the entire universe . We all know that we ought to not drink and drive, but what about drinking and running to bed? We are not so sure about that, and those who've experienced having sex after drinking will probably agree and recollect how big the mistake is. Here are 7 reasons why not to drink and run to bed:
*The mature lover
The mature ladies love to have sex and like all of us they have that need. If we are talking about the ladies that are quite old , they have defiantly that need and probably have not done it for a long time. She will wait for you while you get drunk in the bar, and when you are done with you 5 th drink he will get you. Some of you will say: 'great'. Ok, we all have are style .
* Unknown sexual background
She is blonde, he has a great figure and he is willing to get to bed with you after the second drink...but she will wait until you are done with the bottle, so it will be more difficult for you the notice the 'extra' body portion he has.
* Your best friend
You always knew that she is a bit different, and each time you have looked at a great looking girl's breasts, she was looking at him boyfriend's ass. Even though he does not fancy you, he will after the 3 rd drink, and you begin to have the ';I need some sex' feelings. After your 3 rd drink you start compromising...and then you wake up in the morning! Now you need to front it.
* The Weight issue
She is sexy, she is pretty , she doesn't say no and she is about 15 sizes more then you when it is coming to fashion. The sex might be great, but you back aches will be there for years to remind you that moment when you said YES to her ...when she asked you if it is ok if he will sits on you.
* From the outside and underneath
Yea, she looks amazing with that mini skirt and when you drink, you don't really get down to the bottom of the details, but the next day, just thinking about what you've been licking could make you ill .
* Act of compel .
She looks great and he wants sex...but he is also very 'active' person. If you are into it - great, otherwise, you might discover out that the woman of your dreams is a sado empress that wants you here and presently as here little wick salve. You might discover out that her meaning of sex includes cleaning the house and some other things that you do not really feel like when you are drunk.
*The sticky punch line
All went extremely well. You guys had an amazing evening, and you might even love her for that...but presently you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life ...as you were so drunk that you married her .

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Multicultural Dating

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Multicultural Dating
Have you been only dating folks from your own ethnic background, to discover that no matter what you attempt , there just seems to be no spark or genuine passion occurring in the relationship? Are you just about ready to give up on finding a soul mate? Well before you lose all hope in the dating world , you may need to attempt exploring dating someone who comes from a different culture than you. Who knows, you may just discover that a multicultural relationship is what you need to discover that special spark you've been searching for.
One of the best ways that you can explore your dating options, without having to worry about pressures from friends or family, is to connect an online dating community, such as Date-Connected, which is designed to bring you near to those who share the same interests as you, regardless if they're black, white, Eurasian and so on. Date-Connected allows you the chance to actually explore the beauty of the multicultural dating universe with no strings attached, and no outside judgments interfering with your choices.
In this online dating community the only opinion that matters when it comes to dating is your own. Therefore, listen to you heart, trust your feelings and use your common sense to decide what's best for you. Besides, the entire point to dating is to have fun, and to enjoy the company of the person you select to be with. There is true potential in being apart of a multicultural relationship in today's society, as these relations have really become a more common and accepted piece of Western culture.
Because of this, blacks, whites, Eurasians and other ethnic groups have more reason to mix together than any other time in history. For instance, it has been estimated that in Britain alone, over 30 percent of black men are either living with or are married to white women, and over 20 percent of black women are living with or married to white men. When you halt to think about that, it's truly beautiful to know that something such as multicultural relationships has grown from a small minority and become common and socially recognized. Don't be afraid to believe in love and companionship, no matter what others may think of your interracial dating.
Remember, the most important ingredient to any relationship is love. No force on this Earth is greater than that of love, and once you find it gender, age, race, and religion are nothing more than small details that add to the beauty of the individual you love.