Showing posts with label singles dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label singles dating. Show all posts

Friday, February 22, 2013

Online Dating And The Real World

Online dating is presently becoming a large thing in singles dating since it is so easy to meet people online which can lead to one thing special with the right two people . There is a catch though; frequently the results of online dating are not so positive once someone moves from the online dating world to real life . Guy meets female for the first time. Let's suppose that a guy feels that he has found a girls whose profile fits hers dating criteria and decides to make contact with her and they begin communicating with each other on a regular basis. 

After exchanging many messages and phone conversations their relationship blossoms. He presently feels that he knows him so well that the online relationship can be taken a step further and she decides to set up a real date so that she can meet her in person and get to know him a little better. Finally, they arrange to meet in person over lunch but it turns out to be a complete disaster. 

The female doesn't seem to be the same person she had such online chemistry with and the sparkling conversations they had online were at this time reduced to strained politeness. The date eventually came to an conclusion with the female telling her he had had a nice time but she did not feel the same about him any more after meeting him in person. 

There just wasn't the spark she had expected for some reason.This is a common scenario in online dating when meeting someone for the first time after building up an online relationship. Things can be far different in real existence and some folks just don't click in person. So, why don't some genuine world dates work out? How can someone be so different in real existence when they seemed so interesting and likeable when online? 

Were you being deliberately deceived by the other person or did you simply read the entire situation wrong? The problem is that communicating with someone online is very different from a face to front meeting. Deception is so much easier when communication is by a series of text messages where misleading answers can so easily created up. Even a poor liar can be convincing when there is no awkward body language to give elsewhere the tell-tale signs of deceit. 

People might not deliberately lie to you but they tend to show only their good side online as it is human nature to be liked and wanted . Showing their negative side would be the kiss of death for any future relationship. However, one time this online buffer zone is removed from the relationship any person behind the computer screen is left without their safety net and their true personality usually comes to the fore whether it is good or evil . 

How to get out of the online relationship Once you realize that the online relationship won't develop into a real one then it is time to exit gracefully lacking causing hurt or offence to the other person. Of course it will be embarrassing and it will require a degree of tact to avoid hurt feelings but there is no point in leaving them with the idea that things could work out between you if you know in your heart that they won't. Obviously, telling them in person that you see no future in the relationship will be more difficult than doing this when you are back online. 

Rejection ought to be done in such a way that the other person will not be hurt. Don't make up feeble excuses about why you no longer wish to continue a relationship with them. They will see through them so simply tell them that you feel that there is something missing from the relationship and that it would be a mistake for both of you to continue it. Tell them it is not just their fault alone and permit them to give their opinion and request questions if they want . 

With luck, you might discover that they feel the same and you can both exit the relationship on good terms and lacking bitterness. Both of you can then move on a little wiser from the experience which is a good thing.