Showing posts with label sexual energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexual energy. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Tantra Basic

Find Me Now Love Blog
Tantra Basic for beginners
If you'd like to take your sex life to a higher plane, you might want to consider introducing some tantric techniques to your lovemaking. This is a way to control and manipulate your sexual energy, including exchanging energy with your partner and prolonging orgasm.
Tantra is more than just a way to more intense orgasm, however. It's an Eastern practice that involves the whole mind, body and soul. You may want to extend the practise out of the bedroom, as Tantra includes techniques that can affect your whole way of existence . By harnessing your sexual energy and directing it towards areas of the body or mind, you can boost energy and clear blockages.
Tantric practise also means treating your body and your partner's body as sacred. Sexual ecstasy is seen as a divine feeling and love making as an art that involves special skills. Breathing Probably the most fundamental practical aspect of Tantric sex is breathing practise. This might mean controlling your breathing during sex to bring your attention back to the present, or synchronising your breath with your lover's.
Breathing in time with your partner can lead to a feeling of merging or union that's very intimate and moving. Yoga and meditation teach breathing exercises that can be incorporated into your Tantric sessions, try focussing on a slow, long out breath to control your breathing, coupled with deep breaths from your diaphragm. While you breath in this manner, bring your attention to your partner and their breathing.
Positions Tantra is not about turning sex into a marathon of a hundred different positions, but the Kama Sutra does form part of the teachings of Tantra. Working your way through each position isn't part of the plan, though. Sexual positions are to be explored, and for the most part you're looking for ways to prolong your lovemaking. Multiple orgasms for both man and woman are portion of the fun, for him this means learning to orgasm without ejaculation. This means she needs to learn to control the muscle at the base or 'root' of his penis.
Women can improve their orgasmic potential by contracting their pelvic floor muscles, attempt clenching as though holding in a pee, then releasing. Do this for cycles of around 10 seconds at a time, every time you remember . The most important aspects of Tantra are to respect yourself and your partner. Rather than seeing sex as a 'naughty' or secret activity, devotees are encouraged to focus on the sacred and spiritual aspects of lovemaking.
Ultimately, there is no one clear definition of Tantra as every follower has his or her own interpretation. For those who practise Tantric sex, the experience is one of constant discovery. You too will come to have your own understanding of the meaning of Tantra the more you practise the easy techniques of slowing down, paying attention and giving respect to the act of sex.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Unlock Your Natural Attractive Force and Attract Your Right Relationship

Find Me Now Love Blog

As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Once you become true to yourself, you automatically attract the right person to you. You can access and balance own unique vibration of energy to reveal your inborn power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire.

You Broadcast Who You Are and What You Want What you think about, you attract. When you are cautious and hold back your true self, you attract similar situations to you. If you think you aren't sufficient, not wise enough , or not powerful sufficient to create the reality you truly desire, you'll attract a representation of your own doubt in yourself.

Attract Balanced Relationships If you look for someone else to complete you, you attract an incomplete relationship. What you create is a partnership created up of two half people , that won't satisfy either person. When you feel complete and sufficient, you set up a vibration that attracts those with the similar qualities. When you reflect the type of vibrations you select to attract in someone else, you will be seen and recognized by Mr./Ms. Wonderful.

Re-ignite Your Attractive Power Balance your own male or female energy to re-ignite your attractive power. When you flood your body with your own male or male energy, your body automatically seeks its original perfect balance. With practice your system will stay in balance effortlessly.

This way you can experience your ultimate sexual and creative power.. Become Clear and Certain About What You Want Connecting with your innate power and sexual force spawns a unused level of self certainty. Your confidence will soar and you might find yourself achieving goals you long forgot.

As you get neutral to foreign energies that compete for space in your body, you become clear, grounded and focused. Follow Your Own Path Life is a journey, and you've everything you need to create the most desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your existence goals, and you won't only be amazed at how well you'll achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stress-free the journey will be.

Increase Your Natural Sex Appeal with Visualization Everyone has both male and female energies. Sometimes someone from your past has turned off your male or female energy. It affects how and what you attract in your life . Practice the following visualization exercise and you will increase the amount of female or male energy flowing in your body. This will increase your sex appeal and attraction.

1. Close your eyes, but stay focused.

2. Visualize yourself sitting in a control room in the middle of your head where you've command of your entire being.

3. In your mind's eye, visualize a scale or gauge from 0-100% that represents your current male or female energy running in your body. Notice the current reading of your meter. Don't judge it. Just note what you see.

4. Imagine increasing this energy by slowly raising your gauge to 100%.

5. Simultaneously, allow the energy from the sexual center , approximately 2" below your navel, start to move throughout the entire body. Breath in from the navel and imagine the energy flowing upwards through the torso, down the arms, and up into the head. Allow this sexual energy flow out the top of your head like a fountain. Let the energy flow down to your feet and bring the energy up through the bottoms of your feet, into the legs creating a cycle of your own flowing feminine or masculine energy.

6. Choose a color for this energy flowing through the body as you push the needle on the gauge to 100%.

7. Allow yourself to experience your powerful male or female energy flushing out foreign energies from your body. Let this energy flow for about 5 minutes. Notice how your body feels.

8. Allow your system to adjust to a level where you feel most comfortable. Your Attractive Force Within IS Powerful Your renewed personal power will revolutionize your relationships. When you run your own sexual energy you increase self-confidence, boost your attractiveness and create balance.

People around you'll notice a positive change in you. They may not put their finger on it but you'll know why they respond favorably. Practice this energy technique for 20-30 days and the results will astonish you.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Aphrodisiacs A-Z

Find Me Now Love

The Greek Goddess Aphrodite holds claim on where the word ''aphrodisiac" came from. An aphrodisiac is a smell , food, drink or drug which causes an increase in sexual appetite, or libido. In 1989, The FDA (food and drug administration) claimed officially that there's no such thing, and that the use of aphrodisiacs is based only in folklore and legend.

No one seems to give a hoot what the FDA says. Aphrodisiacs are sold over the counter and online by the hundreds, from oils and scents that bring out your own, natural human pheromones as an aphrodisiac, along with Chinese medicinal aphrodisiacs that include ginseng, ginger, and even ( presently outlawed and placed on the endangered species note ) rhino tusks.

From natural and herbal aphrodisiacs to chemically invented, aphrodisiacs are still on the market and still quite popular. The most popular and widely used aphrodisiacs are still oysters. Served raw and on the half shell, this seafood, along with scallops, are equated with powerful sexual energy and stamina. Next are the adrenaline glands of various animals sold in apothecary shops.

The danger of these is that some are poisonous if you are allergic to them; use with caution. Anchovies and licorice are popular aphrodisiacs and date back to ancient Greece. How do specific foods and glands get on the aphrodisiac note ? The answer is simple , most likely it started after simple observation. For example , rabbit and goat glands are considered to provide heightened sexual energy because the animals that they are procured from reproduce rapidly.

Other foods, such as chilies and curry, cause one to sweat and experience and increased heart rate. Eating the heart of a live snake while its still beating is popular in Vietnam for "making you powerful ," or increasing your stamina. Snakes and sex go back as far as the bible. Once glorified in what's at this time Mexico, chocolate is still considered one of the ultimate aphrodisiacs, but was too fairly difficult to come by.

As it became more common and available, its popularity as an aphrodisiac waned. The husk, or outer casing of the blister beetle, which is a brilliant green, is used in the making of one of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, Spanish fly. While this "drug" was used throughout history as an aphrodisiac, it is only, alas, a myth with a horrifying urban legend attached to it.

(No doubt you have heard the tale of the date, having ingested Spanish fly after her boyfriend slipped it to her , impaled herself on the gearshift of the car while she went to get popcorn at the drive in movies.) In actuality, Spanish fly is a drink made with tequila. Rumor has it that now; finally, there is a chemically made aphrodisiac in the form of a nasal spray. The food and drug administration is in phase three of testing this unused OTC aphrodisiac, known only as PT-141 for at this time.
