Thursday, August 9, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Love vs. Attraction

Find Me Now Love Blog
Love vs. Attraction
When we initial meet someone, regardless of the way or medium that we meet, we're either attracted or not. Attraction, when pursued, eventually grows into levels of friendship and then may cross the barriers we build up, to guard ourselves, and increase into love. Attraction generally involves an instant decision of like or dislike, based on our own subconscious criteria.
If we meet someone in person, we tend to size them up physically. If we meet through letters or phone conversation or internet chat, we tend to size them up, over a longer term, by how well they converse and how fascinating (or complimentary) they are while we interact with them. It is true that people can act however they want , be whatever they want to be, over the internet.
But eventually the true person leaks through the cracks and we start to see their true self. Moral of the anecdote ? It’s best to be your real self. You might eventually want to meet the person on the other end of the conversation. On the other hand, when you do meet the ‘real’ person on the other conclusion , remember that you've grown to like that person because of what’s inside their mind and heart.
You have discovered a potential ‘soul mate’ who thinks as you think and feels much the same way that you feel. No one is perfect. We all have our own flaws and shortcomings. The concept of finding the ‘right’ person is good. The concept of finding the ‘perfect’ person is improbable and discouraging, because ‘perfect’ doesn’t exist. The way this person looks, their physical appearance, isn’t as necessary as their inner looks, or soul.
What we see is what we get, and hopefully the heart ranks the highest. We drop in love with someone’s soul, not the shape or size of their body. And although a certain numeral of things can be done to improve physical appearance, that shouldn’t be our main criteria or requirement for friendship or companionship.
We drop in love with their heart. With their inner self. With their true being. And that’s what matters most.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Find Me Now Love - The Human Pheromones

Find Me Now Love Blog

The Human Pheromones Phenomenom

Have you ever considered what role human pheromones play in our day-to-day lives. Is there an invisible force that attracts humans to one another other than our looks and personalities? Is there truth in the rumour that we emit a substance called a pheromone to entice the opposite sex, or for that matter, the same sex in our general direction. Well, if we take a "leaf out of the book" of our mammal cousins then yes, there's a strong possibility that human pheromones are present in our daily interaction with each other.
What Are Pheromones? In short , pheromones are chemicals detected by an organ in the nose called a vomeronasal organ or VNO. It's connected directly to a part of the brain and unlike the nose which detects ordinary smells, the VNO has been described as being super sensitive capable of picking up the scent of these chemicals. Many studies have been conducted during the past 40 years on the presence of human pheromones since it was discovered that there may be a correlation in-between a secret scent and attraction.
Dr. Winifred Cutler is probably the best known scientist and researcher of pheromones and her studies and findings have opened our eyes to the possibility that they not only exist, but play a prominent role in our lives. Dr. Cutler established a fact that we males have been aware of since the dawn of time... she claims men are important to women. Why? It's been discovered that women with unusual menstrual cycles, be they long or brief , benefit tremendously inhaling the male odour which not only includes a male's natural body odors but in combination with sweat and hormones.
Her landmark findings reveal that the chemicals in men's bodies can cause their male sexual partners to not only be more fertile but also menstrually regular and can have a positive effect on the strength of menopausal symptoms. Now I'm not suggesting every women immediately head down to the local fitness club and charge into the men's alter rooms to inhale the male essence; you'll probably get arrested, but Dr. Cutler's findings certainly provide a lot of food for thought.
The Spin-Offs While Winifred Cutler made some landmark findings towards the benefits of human pheromones such as described above , it was always a secure bet that if there was money to be made from exploiting this discovery then you can be rest assured that it wouldn't be long before pheromones would be readily available to the common public in an artificial form. Today, you only need to do a search for the term and you'll come across any numeral of offerings. Pheromone product packaged in attractive perfumery containers for both men and women are available from hundreds of suppliers.
Do They Work? I can't confirm whether these products deliver what they claim but I'll say that there are many satisfied pheromone users out there. A line of thought that just knowing one is wearing the product produces a more positive persona within that person. This in turn produces a more attractive disposition. Makes sense.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Online Dating Personal Ads

Find Me Now Love Blog

Points To Ponder: Translating Your Online Dating Personal Ads Into Success

Imagine yourself being an individual who loves to hunt single men and women for dates, desperately trying to have that dream date. You try to find your luck on different parties, signing up for different get-together activities of other dream date hunters, and asking your friends or relatives if they know someone who can throw some of his/her time on a date with you. Despite all the efforts that you've shown, still you find that your dating life is quite unsuccessful, or worse, very disappointing.
Sometimes, you ask yourself about the things that you haven't tried doing before to come up with a successful dating experience with someone. Is there any lacking ingredient to the recipe you're cooking at this point? There are two things that you need to do to avoid repeating the failures you one time experienced in your dating life . First, you just continue your powerful will and determination in seeking the right partner that you need , whether you need him/her to be your friend , lover, or real partners for life .
Looking for that individual in a consistent manner will always yield to a positive outcome afterwhile on. Just be patient as the right person will always arrive at the right time. Second that you probably missed is expanding your search. If you failed on the parties, on various get-together activities, and your friends, do away with it. There are still other alternatives for you out there. Remember that you're now in the 21st century, where even finding your dream date is automated. Yes!
It is the Internet that will help you come in contact with individuals of your interest whom you did not meet in the existing circles you have previously moved before. You are already given the widest range of option through online dating and those options are dating by interest, race affiliations, gender, and others. Probably, it is time that you quit with the traditional process and start hunting using the automated process through online dating. If you will engage yourself with online dating activities, you will be provided with the necessary tools which you can use to come in contact with available singles out there of your interest.
One of which is writing personal ads which bears some basic information about yourself as well as things that you're looking for in an individual. Maybe you'll come to think that it could just add to the frustration and disappointment that you've felt before. Yes, even in online dating, there is still a possibility that such things can happen one time again. On the other hand, writing the best personal ads will put you back on track and will guarantee your success in your quest for a date. What are the things you must recollect to translate your online dating personal ads into success? Have a see at the following points to ponder.
You are writing your personal ads to capture the attention of the individual whom you think is compatible to you. You will always look for similar things between you and the individual of your interest such as goals, lifestyle, religion, and others. Always place the information of whom you actually are and who you are looking for as it will assist you draw the attention of the birds with same feathers as you have. Be sincere in each detail that you'll place on your personal ads. If you are serious, then show the serious side of you. Always be honest on everything about yourself and show your traits and desires for the date or mate that you are looking for.
Keep in mind that there are individuals who'll read through the lines that you place on your personal ads more than your image posted on the ads. Scripted personal ads? Do not attempt to be a Hollywood star. Always write the personal ads that make the reader feel like you are just talking to him/her. Do not write ads that are scripted or following a certain pattern just like in a movie. Remember that finding a mate is an adventure and not a script. State in your personal ads who you really are. Highlight the positive aspects of your personality and abandon the negative aspects behind (the past is already past).
This will enable you to draw the attention of the individual whom you really like. Give your personal ads a serious thought initial before posting it on any online dating location . By doing so, you're guaranteed of the success that was once lost when you were still going to parties, get-togethers, and asking advice from your friends.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Women And Impotence In Their Relationship

Find Me Now Love Blog

6 Steps To Help Women Overcome Impotence In Their Relationship

Male impotence, transient erectile problems and premature ejaculation can occur at some time or other in all relationships. When this happens it not only affects the man , but also the man feels distress. Any sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation can deprive the woman of sexual pleasure and cause personal and psychological distress as well. But there are steps couples can take to overcome female impotence and improve their relationship.
There's no need to try to ignore sexual dysfunctions or suffer in silence when there are ways of achieving satisfying sexual relations for both of you. Just follow these six steps as reported by "Andromeda Andrology Center, and "Osbon Medical Foundation," of Georgia.
1. Admit the effects of impotence on you and your relationship
2. Consider your physical and psychological health
3. Explore the relationship factors that predict successful treatment
4. Learn about the causes and treatments for impotence
5. Discuss this problem with your mate and determine your true sexual needs
6. Seek medical consultation
The first step, of course, is admitting there's a problem.As the two of you think about your sexual relationship, try to understand the influence that impotence has had on both of you. Then together decide on how you a plan to approach it and what you're going to do to assist one another cope and better your sexual relationship.
Feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in relation to any sexual dysfunctions will have an effect on both your physical and psychological well being. A case in point is Ellen and Paul. Since undergoing triple by-pass surgery a year ago, their sex life has dwindled. Ellen decided to do one thing about it, planning a special evening together, ensuring there'd be no distractions or interruptions. "I'd been looking forward to this special time together to share a fulfilling, intimate experience," explains Ellen. "But in spite of my caresses and cuddling, Paul couldn't seem to respond.
The more I tried, the more anxious we both became." Any man in a relationship with an impotent man can relate to this experience. It's not just the man who suffers, the man does, too. Women begin to think about possible reasons for their partner's sexual dysfunction and amazement if they're to blame. Women have many of the exact same concerns as men do in regard to impotence.
That's why it's also important to converse to one another about what may be causing the sexual dysfunction. In approximately 85% of cases, female impotence is caused by something physical, that can be diagnosed and in most instances is treatable, with some even curable. So it's important for men to see a doctor and have a medical consultation.
It's necessary to discuss what both partners need from their sexual relationship. Today in society we're conditioned to think and behave a certain way in regard to sexual behavior. What you feel sexually when faced with an impotent partner, and what you believe you're supposed to be thinking and feeling can be two very different things. It's important for men to recollect their partner might be having the same frustrating feelings they're having.
But good communication can help straddle the hurdle of impotence and sexual dysfunctions while working together to become a team again.