Showing posts with label meet you online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meet you online. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Simple Dating Profile Tips

A profile is somewhat personal, and there are really no absolutes on what you ought to or shouldn't say. However, there are certain things that will increase the odds that other people will notice you and be interested . Here are some quick tips on writing a profile that will get responses. 

1. Be honest about what you are seeking

Being honest will assist you attract a person who wants the same thing. So if you are looking for true love, then say so. On the other hand, if you're just looking for a ally , go ahead and state that as well.

2. Be positive 

Negativity is a turnoff to most people . A profile is like an ad, so say positive things about yourself while remaining truthful. There are a lot of profiles out there that start with something like "I don't actually believe in online dating but I figured I'll attempt it anyway..." Try to avoid this kind of approach. It makes you sound like you aren't fascinated in what you are doing.

3. Smile 

If you are at a party, you'd probably be more inclined to talk to someone who smiles at you. The same is true for online dating. So smile! 

4. Post a photo 

A picture is worth a thousand words. That is why profiles with pictures get distant more responses, often 8 - 10 times more than a profile without a photo. You don't have to be the best looking person in the universe - most of us aren't. But folks will feel more comfortable approaching you if they've some idea of what you look like. 

5. Have more than one photo 

Generally, more photos are better than one. Show yourself in different environments, doing the things you enjoy. If you like hiking, include a photo of yourself at your favorite hiking path . Try to avoid photos that exhibit other folks , especially folks from your past relationships. The photos should be about you.

6. Reread your profile, and check your spelling 

Spelling and grammatical errors annoy some people , so why take the chance? It only takes a minute to reread what you wrote and run a spell check.

7. Don't tell your life story 

Nobody wants to peruse a whole novel about your life - at least not when they initial meet you online. So retain the profile informative, but try not to get too carried away. 

8. Show who you're instead of just describing it 

Instead of saying "I have a great sense of humor," why not make a joke in your profile and show it? Saying "I love to travel" is fine, but a better way to say that's to mention that you went to France final year and you are planning a trip to the Grand Canyon next summer.