Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Get More Physical With A Woman

Find Me Now Love Post
How To Get More Physical With A Woman
How do you get from a personal conversation with a women to be physical?
The initial thing to note is that interacting and flirting with a women takes a series of stages. The initial stage is to have fun with the women and have laughs and fun. You inquire things about her and show you're a good listener. Teasing and being a small cocky and funny are a great way to indicate that you are not needy and wussy. If she stuffs up in some way like dropping something , I like to say 'Gee you have just stuffed up your chance of a relationship with me'. This indicates that you're selecting her and you are fussy and not needy. It always creates a laugh too.
Another way of indicating that you are a man isn't to response all of her questions. Make a funny reply. This indicates that you're in control and not playing to her recreation . Women tend to test men all the time. Most of the time this is unconscious. It is good to be aware of this and not drop for it. Sometimes I say 'you are just testing me with that question' and the women always smiles. Relationships can move forward or back and it is necessary for the man to lead. A man needs to learn to move the relationship to be more sexual. A women's big complaint about many men is that most men can't move the relationship to a more intimate and a sexual area. Most women hate men that are wussy and don't take a risk.
They want a sexually aware man that knows that most women love sex. I am fortunate being a qualified sexologist in that when a women asks what I do for a living I just say 'I am a sexologist'. We then generally talk about how most men come in only 7 minutes and have a conversation about different sorts orgasms. If you are not a sexologist or a tantra expert maybe train to be one! What is a simple way you can create sexual interest.
One easy way is to look to see what's special in the women and compliment on this by saying 'I think its sexy the way....' It is good not to use her body to discover compliments. Find something unique and special about her . It is something about her femininity, her soul, her uniqueness. Be careful not to be heavy in your compliments but light and fun. Using the word sexy is a great way to indicate sexual interest. I discover it sexy that ..... Just fill in the blank . Learn to look for what's special in a woman apart from her body. Women don't need to waste their time with a man that can't be flirty and sexually aware.
They do presently want to waste their time with a man that is frightened of them in some way. The fear of rejection is a big barriers for a lot of men. I hope you have fun talking to women and escalating the conversation to a more sexual area.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Play Safe On Your First Date

Find Me Now Love Blog Post

Play Safe On Your First Date

First date safety is only a precaution. It just helps with the transition of going from online dating to offline dating. You would have gotten to know them fairly well already, so it's not like you're going on a date with a stranger. This advice will make your initial date a lot less nervous for you so you enjoy yourself a lot more. First thing is to meet someone when you're ready to meet them. Never be pressured into doing anything you don't want to do.
If you're being put under pressure before you even meet another single then it can only continue once you do meet them. This a date after all, and you want to feel that this person is worthy of a relationship with you. Meet them for the initial time in a public place. A coffee bar is usually a good choice around lunch time. It won't be too rowdy but there will be enough folks around to assist you feel comfortable. You're there to get to know them so you don't need to go somewhere that you can't hear them speaking.
You don't want a first date in a club or bar where you have to shout at each other all evening . It will be a nice chat over coffee continuing the date at the same speed it was online. You also don't need to go anywhere you will start drinking. If you start drinking, anything might happen. Save the alcohol for afterwhile dates when the trust is built. Make sure you know the area you'll be going to. If your date chooses a place you're unfamiliar with suggest somewhere else.
Don't choose a place too familiar though, like somewhere you normally go out. If they catch on where you hang out, and the date doesn't go too well you won't need them accidentally bumping into at another time. Make your own travelling arrangements to the date. If your offered to be picked up just kindly refuse their offer, and say you would rather make your own way there. If they don't like that idea then you'll discover out about their possessive tendencies before you have met them. If that's the case then you would be better off calling the date off.
With your own travel arrangements you can leave the date when you want to if it starts getting uncomfortable. Tell someone where you're going, and tell them what time you'll be back at the latest. Also tell them who you're meeting. Take a cell phone with you so you can be called at a certain time. They can request you how the dates going, and make sure you're enjoying yourself. If you follow these common sense pointers on first date safety you'll have a good first date. A very tiny percentage of first dates will probably turn bad so this isn't intended to put you off of finding a partner online.
Remember this is a lot safer than being picked up in a bar or club at the weekend when you've been drinking.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Speed Dating

Find Me Now Love Blog Spot
Get More From Your Speed Dating
These speed dating tips will assist guide you to more success in your 3 to 8 minutes of dating. That's all the time you've to impress the person sitting opposite you. And if you can't keep them occupied for that amount of time, and make them stay fascinated in you then you've no chance of them picking you afterwards.
Keep the conversation flowing
Keeping the conversation flowing is very necessary . With such a short time if any silent moments creep in you can forget having another date. Ask open ended questions that can lead into something else that you'll be familiar with. Or brush up on topics that the opposite sex are interested in, and you ought to retain them happy. The women could learn a bit about their national sport, and put the men to shame. If you can inquire a question he stumbles on it should raise a smile, and put some humor into the conversation. This is the time too find out as much as possible about your date. If they feel you're interested in them they'll make them feel more fascinated in you.
How you look
The first thing the single sitting opposite you is going to notice about you is how you see . If this fails to impress or makes them cringe you've already put yourself in a place probably impossible to get out of. Speed dating events are generally held in nice bars or clubs so the dress code will be smart . This ought to give some clue as how you should be looking. The men need to be wearing a nice shirt, trousers, and polished shoes. Your going to be sitting opposite the singles with only a table between you so brush your hair, have nice clean hands and brush your teeth. It's the same for the single women although women are usually better in this department. Instant attraction will be a major factor. Once you have this you only have to keep it going for a few minutes.
Get in contact as quickly as possible When you find out about who you have matched up with you will need to contact them as rapid as possible, but without acting desperate. They will know they've matched up with you so will be expecting the contact. An e-mail or phone call the next day ought to be sufficient so you can arrange a meeting before anyone else can.
Avoid too much alcohol Never drink too much before the dating starts. You will always get a complimentary drink when you enter the venue but one more after that should be enough . No one is going to be attracted to someone drunk sitting opposite them. Plus you need to be rapid with your questions and answers. This won't happen if you've had too much to drink.
enjoy yourself
Enjoy yourself when you're speed dating. If you don't the single sitting opposite you will see this. The more fun you have you'll have more confidence, and this will be in your favor.
You will also need to relax when you're opposite your date. There's no need to be nervous, everyone is there for the same reason. You're all there to date each other so getting nervous will only ruin your concentration. You need to be calm and on the ball. You'll be asking as many questions as possible in your time limit, and you'll be answering as many as possible as well. The more you discover out about your date, and the more they discover out about you the better chance you have of making a connection. Be confident, but not too confident so you come across cocky. You want to be sitting with a see of interest and complete calmness. The date opposite you will discover this attractive if you get it just right. You will have plenty of dates to get used to it so learn as you go on what works, and what doesn't.
These speed dating tips ought to help you get more success out of your small amount of time you've to impress that single sitting opposite you.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Woman Online

Find Me Now Love

Woman Online

Approaching a woman online, and getting it right is the most necessary thing to do after getting your profile alert . You need to get this part of your online dating spot on to make everything else you've done so distant worthwhile. You're not going to get that initial e-mail right initial time so you're own trial and error will be part of finding out what approach works best for you.
When you've found a single that you would like to contact make sure you peruse him profile through thoroughly. This is very important as your e-mail will be based around the information she has put in it. A man won't put each detail in him profile to then respond to a message saying "I think you're hot would you like a chat." This might be the way men need to get approached but women are different. You need to write an e-mail, and mention things that caught your eye in her profile.
You have to make your e-mail stand out from all the others the single man has had that day. You might even have sent the only e-mail, the rest just might be some flirts that other single men send to about 30 other women. This will make your message the initial one she looks at. Mentioning some things from her profile will exhibit her that you've read it.
Most men will just send a flirt to someone because they like the photograph. Women need more than this to send you a reply back. You need to make it personal this will at minimum get your message peruse . After this she will check your profile, and if she likes the look of that you'll get your reply. If you're going to add humor to your message make sure you aim it at yourself. You have to keep it in the flow of the e-mail though.
Don't just commence writing a joke just to see funny as this will just make him cringe. If humor isn't good coming from you you're better off leaving it out of your e-mail. When approaching a woman online effectively you've to keep your e-mails fairly brief . You don't need to commence telling them about you. You will have plenty of time for this one time you have had a reply.
Just use your initial e-mail to discover out about them, and make the recipient feel your interest in him . This will make her feel better if your the only single man to exhibit some real interest in your e-mail. Never commence pestering anyone. If they don't respond to your e-mail then move onto someone else. Your e-mails are not going to get replied to every time.
Once the single women has read them they'll then look at your profile. They have to be attracted to you for you to get a reply. If they're not attracted to you just get over it and move on. If you stick to approaching women this way you will get a much higher reply rate than 95% of online dating service users.