Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Reasons To Go Online For Love

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Online Dating – Reasons To Go Online For Love
Where do you go when you're looking for love? Are you considering joining an online dating location but not sure it’s for you? Let me tell you how I initial discovered online dating and why I firmly believe it fits in with our modern day lifestyles. A couple of years ago online dating still had a stigma attached to it. Although people were using the internet as a method of dating, they did not discuss it with friends or colleagues for fear of coming across desperate.
I recall a ally of mine who was initially embarrassed to tell me he had joined an online dating location . At the time, I was rather surprised as she was an attractive boy who would be considered quite a catch . However, after chatting to her I completely understood why he had resorted to this method of dating; she was simply tired of meeting timewasters who were not fascinated in committing to a relationship.
Whilst she had no desire to date some of the men who contacted her , there were quite a many she was interested in and he began a dating spell to make any "singleton" jealous. She then struck up an online relationship with someone who lived 100 miles from her . After exchanging many emails and chatting on the telephone, he decided to meet her .
Obviously, the distance didn’t make the relationship ideal but the spark was there and she enjoyed 6 months dating someone with similar interests, shared romantic weekends together and had a fantastic holiday. Although she didn’t turn out to be “the one”, when I asked if he regretted joining an online dating site him answer was "Definitely not!"
Her view was that if he hadn’t joined an online dating location , those 6 months would have been spent moaning about meeting the same timewasters in the same ancient haunts and wondering "what if". He was simply being proactive in her search for love; after all life is far too short ! If you’re not convinced online dating is for you, here are reasons why I think online dating has its advantages:-
a. You don’t have to wait until the weekend to meet someone.
b. You don’t have to get dressed up for a night "online". Wear whatever you feel comfortable in at residence .
c. If you work unusual hours online dating fits in with your schedule. You can log on at any time of the day to suit you; there is always someone online waiting to chat.
d. If you begin chatting to someone and then decide they aren't what you're looking for, put them back in the net gently and choose another. There are plenty of fish in the ocean !
e. If you're tired of seeing the same ancient faces when you go out, there are folks of all age groups all across the country waiting online to meet someone.
f. If you are new to an area online dating is a great way of meeting people whether it's for friendship or dating. If you meet a few folks online in your area, you can arrange a get together for you all rather than meeting on a one-to-one basis.
g. If all of your friends have settled down or you've recently become single what better way to meet new someone quickly than to go online and meet more singles!
h. Anonymous messaging and chat rooms let you flirt to your heart’s content lacking any embarrassment or getting tongue-tied.
i. You will probably discover out more about someone online before you arrange a date with them than you'd if you had met them in a bar. Online dating usually makes folks more cautious about who they choose to date and in this day and age that can’t be a bad thing!
j. We at this time live and date very differently to previous generations where the traditional place to meet people was in nightclubs, parties, at work or through friends. By connecting an online dating site you aren't excluding these avenues but simply extending your opportunities of meeting someone.
k. Finally, 1 month’s membership costs less than a evening out and gives you hundreds of opportunities to meet your perfect partner – every night !
With so many positive reasons to go online for love, finding your perfect partner has never been easier. Try it out for yourself and please let me know how you're doing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Online Dating With Friends

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Online Dating With Friends
Finding someone to date is easier with a little help from your friends so if you have joined a dating location (or are thinking of connecting a dating location ) then talk with your friends and see if they would like to sign up with you.
Just because online dating is carried out in the comfort of your home , it doesn’t mean you can’t implicate your friends, as you would normally do if you were looking to meet someone at work or in a pub. So the next time you talk to your friends instead of asking if they want to go to the pub, ask if they'd like to merge you on a dating location so you can find love online together;
the chances are they were thinking about it anyway but needed some encouragement from a friend . Here are 5 ways enlisting the assist of a friend can help you both find love online:-
1. It doubles your opportunities of meeting someone; your friend could recommend someone to you who he or he has met online and knows would be a perfect match for you … or vice versa!
2. Two pairs of eyes are better than one so why not make a evening of it and invite your friend over to yours so that you can log on and search for a date together.
3. Arrange a chat room date with your friend and other members; together you'll be able to judge their characters and decide whether you need to take it further.
4. If you both meet someone online, arrange a double date. Not only is there safety in numbers but everyone will be in the same boat when you date “offline”.
5. Finally, the majority of singles seek a second opinion before they date someone so if you're both registered with the same dating site , it’s easy to ask your friend to log on and let you know what they think of someone before you pass on personal information or arrange a date.
With so many positive ways your friends can increase your online dating opportunities, start calling your friends today!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Online Dating: A Man's State of Mind

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Online Dating: A Man's State of Mind
There are untold riches in the form of male companionship waiting for you online if only you'll alter one thought regarding how you'll find success there. Most men have this idea that they're "winning" when they take a man to bed. Somehow, they've won the prize. Think about how this works in your own mind. What are your own thoughts about winning the lottery? One in a million? Worse? How often have you actually won a prize in a contest or drawing? Not many, I'd assume.
And so, if you think of "getting a woman" or even "getting a date" as the prize, your mind will automatically cause you to play in the same defeatist, resigned way you look at a contest. And you'd depend on luck, or making it a numbers recreation . If luck had anything to do with getting women, I'd have none. Towards the conclusion of my marriage, my own wife beat my own self-confidence to a pulp. I thought I was ugly, unattractive, and worthless. I misplaced my husband , I nearly lost my own home , came within a many nickels of actually going broke. . . things were bad .
Very bad . So meeting women, for a while, was not a possibility. But once I created this principal change in my personal mindset, everything changed for me. When you truly understand how women work, you will operate wholly differently than you currently do. Women online are actually there to meet YOU, too. They view a good guy as a prize as much as you view a good woman . So, here is the critical mindset you've to have in order to be successful online: You are actually the prize as much as she is.
By winning him imagination and TAKING HER TO BED, you aren't TAKING anything from her , but GIVING! Success with online dating is about GIVING in order to receive. It’s about Giving women what they want . What they REALLY need , even if they don’t say it outright. It’s about letting women give to you what YOU want . And creating the opportunities for them to do that. It’s about reading between the lines, and talking in-between the lines. And getting in-between the sheets.
It’s about standing out online in such a way that by the time you actually meet, she is already yours. Doesn’t that sound like the right approach to attracting women? To put this idea to work for you, you've got to work on your "pregame" thinking. Build yourself up in your own mind as being worthy (even if right now you don't think you are), as being attractive (even if right presently you don't think you are), as intelligent and funny (again. . . even if there's something you've to overcome, you must believe this to be true). The truth of the matter is, if you don't believe you're the prize, no one else ever will.
There is one danger in all of this. Some guys take this "worthiness" too far , and come across like an arrogant Jerk. Don't do that! Write and communicate with confidence, not arrogance, and you'll become the prize she seeks.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Online Dating: Why Men Should Be Online

Find Me Now Love Blog Post
Online Dating: Why Men Should Be Online
Men, if you don't already have women chasing after you every day, then you ought to be dating women online. Here are the Four most compelling reasons why men should be seeking out and meeting women online, and one reason why they absolutely shouldn't.
1) Online dating is the most amazing gift to men invented since woman herself. (Well, most women.) Think about it for a moment. For one small flat fee (and sometimes for no fee at all) you can scope out women, learn what they like, what they don't like, check out their picture and actually start swapping emails, IMs and talking with them. Here's what you don't have: To get dressed up; to gas up your car; to spend hours of your prime time; to buy drinks for folks you don’t' know; to fail in public. On balance, it's a beautiful convenient and effective method of meeting women.
2) There are MILLIONS of women ACTIVELY LOOKING for you online. They are not coy "bar chicks" or girls with boyfriends . They are what we call in marketing, HOT LEADS. Smoking hot! Because they're coming out to meet you half way. You just have to learn how to become the bait they're seeking. Now, there are two basic reasons women are there on line. Some are there to see for a guy to marry. Some are looking for a guy to just hook up with. But that attractive much explains guys, too. So no matter what reason you're looking for women, there are women looking for you, too.
3) Women online range from not-so-hot to super-hot. I have personally hooked up with some of the most beautiful women of my life from online. And any cursory tour through one of the better sites will exhibit you – this is not a side option for single guys – it’s a MUST DO! So the attractiveness of women online attractive much mirrors the attractiveness of women anywhere, right? Well, that's to be expected. But when you are at a bar or club trying to meet women, you only have a many dozen to choose from at most. And everyone is going to be hounding the hot ones. Online, you've got those MILLIONS to choose from. What's even better is that you can search for them by location, income, religion. . . all this stuff you can get out of the way before you even say Hi.
4) Online dating is THE place to practice your recreation . Whether you still remember awkward Junior High School dances like it was yesterday, or you effortlessly meet and hookup with women all the time, Online is the place to practice without personal rejection. There are lots of great techniques for meeting and seducing women. Whatever "way" you are, or whatever "technique" you select , you'll have more time to practice it online. Whatever you do, learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. Not everything is going to work each time, and you shouldn't expect it to. One other great advantage to online dating is that you don't have to fear rejection.
These women you approach don't know you. Your friends aren't there to watch you crash and burn. So, you can take risks that you wouldn't normally take if you were talking to a man in person. And that means you'll succeed more than in person, too. Maybe. But there is one reason NOT to go online to meet women: Being closed minded. You are going to be exposed to lots more women online than you've ever seen before. If you are closed minded when you write or talk with them, you're sure to fail. If you are not willing to get out of your rut and try one thing different, to learn something unused , then you are sure to fail.
If you don't learn how to hear and peruse women's profiles properly, to truly comprehend what they mean in their profiles or emails to you, you're sure to fail. So, don't be closed minded. Online dating is the single best method for meeting women today if you approach it properly. Done wrong, it can lead to the same results you've always had, and that may not be what you want .