Friday, August 17, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Dating Rules for Your Success

Find Me Now Love Blog
10 Easy, Important Dating Rules for Your Success
1) Leave the mobile phone off! Do not answer it if it is on Silent either. You ought to only do this if you are expecting an emergency and I mean an emergency. You only see like a deadhead, self-centred fool answering a phone at a meeting that's important and that goes for all meetings. It's inconsiderate and breeds contempt from the other party even if they agree to you answering it. They're only being courteous which you're not, if you do have a ringing phone and response it. This doesn't mean leave it at home - you may need it afterwhile .
2) Don't smoke anything in the presence of others unless they also smoke and for goodness sake make sure that no one close you is eating. Never smoke in an area where folks are eating even if they smoke. You would be a fool to smoke in the presence of your date when they didn't smoke. If you're keen, it might be time to think about not smoking in their presence again.
3) A good rule isn't to opposite about your achievements unless you are asked. Bragging is more often frowned upon and puts folks off early. Show some interest in your date and their hobbies achievements and interests. If you do this regularly enough , it will become a custom and your good social skills will become very obvious to others including your date.
4) Find some way to compliment them. This is good practise even if you don't think this person is right for you. What goes around comes around! This is also a great building block for social skills improvement.
5) Smart casual attire is always good for the initial date. Girls - don't go over the summit with jewellery. It looks crass and frequently cheap! Subtlety is the title of the game here. Boys - don't swear or cuss. It only indicates ignorance and frequently stupidity. It doesn't make you see tough. Your actions and the way you deal with life will exhibit how tough you're quickly enough . Most people can find an adjective somewhere in their vocabulary to describe things. You'll find that you can too!
6) Most girls like to be respected and despite their eye lashes fluttering elsewhere in some scenarios, they are generally quite shinning and one step ahead of you. The more you treat them like your equal in conversation, the more quickly you will identify a good match for you or not.
7) Most boys like to have interest shown in their achievements or interests. In fact, you could just focus on this for the whole date and be safe if you wanted to.
8) Eat like a human being - don't quaff down the food like it's your last meal. Don’t fill up. This will ensure that you can feel good about doing something after you've dined i.e. dancing, a walk evn consider about going to a differnt location for coffee, dessert, dancing or a drink perhaps . Mixing you're venues frequently displays varying behaviour . If your date begins to swing from a chandelier after one drink you might need to consider the future carefully.
9) Boys - if you enjoyed your date, say so at the end of the evening. Follow up with a thoughtful gift such as flowers to him place of work or him doorstep. It does NOT have to be expensive. The surprise is what counts here along with the fact that you've obviously thought about him since the date. Hand write the card and leave a phone numeral he can catch you on.
10) Girls - attempt not to make yourself too available at the end of your first date. But make your feelings clear with an element of subtlety. Whatever you don't inquire him if he will call again. Your mind set must be one of value and that if doesn't call then there will be another who will. One more thing - on your initial few dates never and I cruel never get in a discussion of old girl friends or girlfriends , ex wives or husbands , nor anything to do with these issues - Never!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Dating Tips, Prepare To Impress

Find Me Now Love Blog
Prepare To Impress - Dating Tips
At first dating is fun but as you go on it's so easy to fall into a rut. A night at home with rental movies or a dinner out or a movie is all you ever seem to do and you are getting bored. The boredom most likely is not because of whom you're with, it might be that you have fallen into a comfortable rut. There are so many options of things to do but frequently people are afraid to try one thing new . I don't like it, presently what? What do I do if I like it and she doesn't? Fun and excitement can be apart of your life again don't donate up.
Since you and your dating partner have common interests let's take a look at all the various kinds of dates that you create. Let's take a look at common types of dates and attempt to expand on them. There are movie dates, dinner dates, and dancing dates. At best, they would make a very brief date, by themselves. Do you think a dinner and a movie or a movie and dinner at club that has dancing is a good idea? Going to one of the many movies or going to clubs that cater to various genres might be fun. How about a game of billiards? If you both have connections to a Church, church activities could be interesting for you.
Concerts by Christian singers and/or bands hold concerts all over the place. You might try attending one thing similar to a Billy Graham Crusade or a rally. A Church or Temple will be able to tell you what's available for youthful people or young adult couples, if you are not Christian. If you go to any type of concert it could be interesting , you might discover a type of music you never thought you'd like. Another idea might be going to the theater. Something that's even more fun are dinner theaters. Shows like Disney on Ice and Stars on Ice are fun, and so are plays. Going for ice cream or a walk on the beach is a simple date.
Are at least one of you, if not both of you athletically inclined? Running together could be fun. It might be fascinating to try hiking in an area you've never been to before. Dusting off your bikes and going for a ride instead of using your vehicle , especially with gas prices so tall . Aside from the fact that it is fun; it is physical and it gets you to where you want to go. A walk in the summer rain, horseback riding, and roller blading can be fun. You don't really just need to stay residence do you? Rent a movie you haven't seen or rent a favorite romantic movie. Try playing games such as Chess or backgammon or how about Jenga which is a puzzle game , they can be fun. Do you like intellectual stuff? Lectures and museums are interesting and a lot of fun. Do you know of a planetarium nearby?
A way of not having to go outside is to go to a planetarium. A day trip can be fun, and for New Englander's Boston, Massachusetts is a good bet. Boston boasts of the Science Museum, the Children's Museum and the famed Freedom Walk. The Freedom Walk will take you by the original Cheers bar. For something fun and educational, go to the zoo. A visit to the Public Gardens or Art Exhibits can be very relaxing. Is your guy into automobiles? Stock vehicle races are an option as are monster truck rallies. Do you enjoy any crafts? A craft fair might have lessons in crafts such as scrap booking which is something a guy might get into that isn't just a 'girly' activity.
Try cooking together it can be fun. Try taking classes together, such as a cooking or pottery class. Learning something about another person is the whole point of dating. Try bringing your date along one time or twice if you volunteer visiting nursing homes. Trying all these different things will help you both decide on things you both enjoy. Sometimes though it is a good idea to do one thing you might not like a whole lot so that your date at least knows you care about them and the things they like.
Dating can be catastrophic but it can have its perks too. You may have only one date or a initial date over and over. A wonderful relationship is possible if you are mutually respectful of the others needs and interests of the other and can compromise without resentment. If dating doesn't lead to a marriage this is a possible. Wonderful friendships can be developed. Work on one date at a time. It is important to learn to believe and respect one another. Live existence and enjoy each other. Have fun and enjoy your life . Although dating is a challenge comprehend that before you kiss your prince, you may have to kiss a bunch of frogs.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Find me now love - Smile And Relationships

Find Me Now Love Blog
Smile And Relationship
How do we smile at each other? Is there a message communicated in-between us as we smile? Does it convey the depth of our feelings we've for each other? Take note of how our smiles deepen in feeling toward each other as our relationship grows and time passes. Note how our smiles reflect our joy as we pass time together lacking insignificant complaints. You’ve heard it said that we all have one thing to give .
That something is a simple smile. A smile that conveys not only friendship, but simple love. And are we not aware that we ought to love everyone? We ought to love all. But we also know that those we love the most are those we know the best. The more time we spend with our companion, the happier we are. Business and other affairs of life may take us away from residence for certain periods of time.
Do not permit the association of others outside the home to become more necessary than the associations we have at residence . Do not allow commitments of the world to outweigh the committment of our companionship and relationship at home . Being at home with our partner should be the place we long to be, amid all the duties and responsibilities of existence . We ought to foster a relationship with our companion that turns our steps homeward when our daily duties are accomplished.
Companionship with our special loved one is the means of developing and encouraging that love which initially brought us together. Do not allow the difficulties and distractions of existence to become a wedge in-between us and our loved companion. We must opposite to each other. Listen to each other. Smile at and be with each other frequently . Challenges are so much easier to front when they're perceived as challenges to be solved together, rather than challenges that may divide us.
Our most important and precious possession is our family. Even when we are just a family of two. We are more important than any professional or social club or organization will ever be. We need to spend as much of our release time as is needed in nurturing and growing our relationship. And we ought to too be willing, in return, to encourage each other in the growth and development of ourselves as individuals. We can be truly proud and supportive of each other’s talents and capabilities. And we can do it with a warm and sincere smile.
We can donate and we can receive. We can lift and we can support. We can smile, and share that love and encouragement with each other. And we can do it frequently .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Find Me Now Love - Your Relationship, To End or Not to End

Find Me Now Love Blog
To End or Not to End Your Relationship
Simona, 30 years ancient , is struggling with whether or not to end him six-year marriage. The answer isn't at all clear to her . Simona and Jon have a “good” marriage. They are kind and caring with each other. They enjoy many of the same things. So why is Simona in such turmoil over whether to stay or leave ? The problem is that Simona is very lonely with Jon. They are good friends, but they are not emotionally intimate. Jon has no desire to share any of his feelings with Simona, nor does he have any desire to comprehend Simona’s feelings.
He is content to keep everything on the surface, while Simona wants a deeper emotional connection. Since they have many good things in their marriage, Simona has decided to attempt marriage counseling, and Jon has agreed. Counseling or not, there is only one thing that can save this marriage – Jon and Simona shifting out of their intent to protect against pain and into an intent to learn about what's loving to themselves and each other. Jon’s intent has always been to guard against pain rather than to learn about being loving to himself and others.
She has done this by numbing out his feeling with marijuana and work. Jon’s choice to continue to guard against pain or to start to open to learning from his feelings will determine the outcome of the counseling. Simona, too, has operated with the intent to protect against pain. He has ignored him own feelings and been a “good” wife , submerging her own needs to comply with what Jon wanted . But at some point, she shifted her intent to learning about what is loving to herself, and now she realizes she cannot continue in an emotionally disconnected marriage.
The issues in your relationship may be about emotional distance, lack of passion, sexual problems, constant fighting, emotional abuse, (if there's physical abuse, then you must discover a way to leave ), or being used financially. There might be control and resistance occurring around many different issues. Yet the underlying issue is a lack of open and caring communication. And open communication only occurs when both folks have a deep intention to learn about their feelings, fears, limiting beliefs, and resulting unloving behavior. If one or both folks in a relationship are closed to learning about themselves and each other, the relationship will not heal.
If you are thinking about leaving your relationship, initial think about your own intent. Are you open to learning about your feelings, beliefs and behavior? Or, are you devoted to protecting against pain with anger, withdrawal, resistance or caretaking? Are you avoiding your feelings with substances and activities, or are you opening to learning from your feelings and exploring yourself with a process such as the Inner Bonding process that we educate ? The first thing you need to do is deal with your own intent. Once you are open to learning for a numeral of months, and really doing your inner work, then re-evaluate your relationship. Has anything changed?
Is your partner more or less open to you? Are you talking more and fighting or withdrawing less? If things are not getting better or are getting worse, then it is time to inquire your partner if he or she is willing to do some healing work with you – through counseling, workshops, and reading books together. If your partner refuses to embark on a learning journey with you, then it is clear that this relationship will not alter . At this point, you need to either fully accept it as it is or leave it. It won't become the relationship you want it to be unless both of you're open to learning. If one or both partners stay in the intent to protect , the relationship won't heal.
Yet most relationships can be healed when both folks are deeply devoted to learning about loving themselves and each other.